.. figure:: Under-Construction.png
:width: 500px
:align: center
:height: 250px
:alt: Ohmpi 2
:figclass: align-center
In this version, we have developed two new board types that allow the assembly of Ohmpi v2.00, a measurement board and a multiplexer board.
This new version is made up of:
1. A measurement board for four-point measurement
The philosophy of Ohmpi 2
The philosophy of Ohmpi V2.00 is to offer a new DIY multielectrode resistivity meter. It is a resistivity meter with 64 electrodes , which can be upgraded to 128 electrodes.
It is limited to low-current injection,but suitable for small laboratory experiments and small field time-lapse monitoring.
Ohmpi, is developed by a team that seeks to share all its experience and wishes to improve and offer a more and more robust tool to the community.Ohmpi V2.00 is a completely different version from the previous one.
We will stop the development on the previous version, to dedicate our efforts on this new version.
| **Parameter** | **Specifications V1** | Units | **Specifications v2** | Units |
|Electrodes |32 | |64 to 128 | |
|Operating temperature |-0 to 50 |°c |-25 to 50 |°c |
|Power consumption of CPU and |18.5 |W |18.5 |W |
|control system | | | | |
|Voltage injection |12 |V |12 |V |
|Battery |9 |V |12 |V |
|Current |0 to 40 |mA |0 to 40 |mA |
|Min pulse duration |150 |mS |150 |mS |
|Input impedance |80 |Mohm |80 |Mohm |
|Data storage |micro SD card | |micro SD card | |
|Resolution |0.01 |ohm |0.01 |ohm |