Commit 47ec203e authored by Arnaud WATLET's avatar Arnaud WATLET
Browse files

adds ohmpi_ML

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Showing with 932 additions and 0 deletions
+932 -0 0 → 100644
from ohmpi import OhmPi
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
import numpy as np
import adafruit_ads1x15.ads1115 as ads # noqa
from adafruit_ads1x15.analog_in import AnalogIn # noqa
import os
from utils import get_platform
import json
import warnings
from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
import csv
import time
import shutil
from datetime import datetime
from termcolor import colored
import threading
from logging_setup import setup_loggers
from logging import DEBUG
# finish import (done only when class is instantiated as some libs are only available on arm64 platform)
import board # noqa
import busio # noqa
import adafruit_tca9548a # noqa
import adafruit_ads1x15.ads1115 as ads # noqa
from adafruit_ads1x15.analog_in import AnalogIn # noqa
from adafruit_mcp230xx.mcp23008 import MCP23008 # noqa
from adafruit_mcp230xx.mcp23017 import MCP23017 # noqa
import digitalio # noqa
from digitalio import Direction # noqa
from gpiozero import CPUTemperature # noqa
import minimalmodbus # noqa
arm64_imports = True
except ImportError as error:
if EXEC_LOGGING_CONFIG['logging_level'] == DEBUG:
print(colored(f'Import error: {error}', 'yellow'))
arm64_imports = False
except Exception as error:
print(colored(f'Unexpected error: {error}', 'red'))
arm64_imports = None
def append_and_save_new(filename: str, last_measurement: dict, cmd_id=None):
"""Appends and saves the last measurement dict.
filename : str
filename to save the last measurement dataframe
last_measurement : dict
Last measurement taken in the form of a python dictionary
cmd_id : str, optional
Unique command identifier
last_measurement = deepcopy(last_measurement)
if 'fulldata' in last_measurement:
d = last_measurement['fulldata']
n = d.shape[0]
if n > 1:
idic = dict(zip(['i' + str(i) for i in range(n)], d[:, 0]))
udic = dict(zip(['u' + str(i) for i in range(n)], d[:, 1]))
tdic = dict(zip(['t' + str(i) for i in range(n)], d[:, 2]))
uxdic = dict(zip(['ux' + str(i) for i in range(n)], d[:, 3]))
uydic = dict(zip(['uy' + str(i) for i in range(n)], d[:, 4]))
if os.path.isfile(filename):
# Load data file and append data to it
with open(filename, 'a') as f:
w = csv.DictWriter(f, last_measurement.keys())
# last_measurement.to_csv(f, header=False)
# create data file and add headers
with open(filename, 'a') as f:
w = csv.DictWriter(f, last_measurement.keys())
# def _read_voltage(self,ads,ads_pin):
def run_measurement_old(self, quad=None, nb_stack=None, injection_duration=None,
autogain=True, strategy='constant', tx_volt=5, best_tx_injtime=0.1,
cmd_id=None, duty_cycle=0.9):
"""Measures on a quadrupole and returns transfer resistance.
quad : iterable (list of int)
Quadrupole to measure, just for labelling. Only switch_mux_on/off
really create the route to the electrodes.
nb_stack : int, optional
Number of stacks. A stacl is considered two half-cycles (one
positive, one negative).
injection_duration : int, optional
Injection time in seconds.
autogain : bool, optional
If True, will adapt the gain of the ADS1115 to maximize the
resolution of the reading.
strategy : str, optional
(V3.0 only) If we search for best voltage (tx_volt == 0), we can choose
vmax strategy : find the highest voltage that stays in the range
For a constant value, just set the tx_volt.
tx_volt : float, optional
(V3.0 only) If specified, voltage will be imposed. If 0, we will look
for the best voltage. If the best Tx cannot be found, no
measurement will be taken and values will be NaN.
best_tx_injtime : float, optional
(V3.0 only) Injection time in seconds used for finding the best voltage.
cmd_id : str, optional
Unique command identifier
self.exec_logger.debug('Starting measurement')
self.exec_logger.debug('Waiting for data')
# check arguments
if quad is None:
quad = [0, 0, 0, 0]
if self.on_pi:
if nb_stack is None:
nb_stack = self.settings['nb_stack']
if injection_duration is None:
injection_duration = self.settings['injection_duration']
tx_volt = float(tx_volt)
# inner variable initialization
sum_i = 0
sum_vmn = 0
sum_ps = 0
# let's define the pin again as if we run through measure()
# as it's run in another thread, it doesn't consider these
# and this can lead to short circuit!
self.pin0 = self.mcp_board.get_pin(0)
self.pin0.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
self.pin0.value = False
self.pin1 = self.mcp_board.get_pin(1)
self.pin1.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
self.pin1.value = False
self.pin7 = self.mcp_board.get_pin(7) # IHM on mesaurement
self.pin7.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
self.pin7.value = False
if self.sequence is None:
if self.idps:
# self.switch_dps('on')
self.pin2 = self.mcp_board.get_pin(2) # dsp +
self.pin2.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
self.pin2.value = True
self.pin3 = self.mcp_board.get_pin(3) # dsp -
self.pin3.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
self.pin3.value = True
self.pin5 = self.mcp_board.get_pin(5) # IHM on mesaurement
self.pin5.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
self.pin5.value = True
self.pin6 = self.mcp_board.get_pin(6) # IHM on mesaurement
self.pin6.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
self.pin6.value = False
self.pin7 = self.mcp_board.get_pin(7) # IHM on mesaurement
self.pin7.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
self.pin7.value = False
if self.idps:
if self.DPS.read_register(0x05, 2) < 11:
self.pin7.value = True # max current allowed (100 mA for relays) #voltage
# get best voltage to inject AND polarity
if self.idps:
tx_volt, polarity, Rab = self._compute_tx_volt(
best_tx_injtime=best_tx_injtime, strategy=strategy, tx_volt=tx_volt, autogain=autogain)
self.exec_logger.debug(f'Best vab found is {tx_volt:.3f}V')
polarity = 1
Rab = None
# first reset the gain to 2/3 before trying to find best gain (mode 0 is continuous)
self.ads_current = ads.ADS1115(self.i2c, gain=2 / 3, data_rate=860,
address=self.ads_current_address, mode=0)
self.ads_voltage = ads.ADS1115(self.i2c, gain=2 / 3, data_rate=860,
address=self.ads_voltage_address, mode=0)
# turn on the power supply
start_delay = None
end_delay = None
out_of_range = False
if self.idps:
if not np.isnan(tx_volt):
self.DPS.write_register(0x0000, tx_volt, 2) # set tx voltage in V
self.DPS.write_register(0x09, 1) # DPS5005 on
self.exec_logger.debug('No best voltage found, will not take measurement')
out_of_range = True
if not out_of_range: # we found a Vab in the range so we measure
gain = 2 / 3
self.ads_voltage = ads.ADS1115(self.i2c, gain=gain, data_rate=860,
address=self.ads_voltage_address, mode=0)
if autogain:
# compute autogain
gain_voltage = []
for n in [0, 1]: # make short cycle for gain computation
if n == 0:
self.pin0.value = True
self.pin1.value = False
if self.board_version == 'mb.2023.0.0':
self.pin6.value = True # IHM current injection led on
self.pin0.value = False
self.pin1.value = True # current injection nr2
if self.board_version == 'mb.2023.0.0':
self.pin6.value = True # IHM current injection led on
gain_current = self._gain_auto(AnalogIn(self.ads_current, ads.P0))
if polarity > 0:
if n == 0:
gain_voltage.append(self._gain_auto(AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P0)))
gain_voltage.append(self._gain_auto(AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P2)))
if n == 0:
gain_voltage.append(self._gain_auto(AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P2)))
gain_voltage.append(self._gain_auto(AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P0)))
self.pin0.value = False
self.pin1.value = False
if n == 0:
gain_voltage.append(self._gain_auto(AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P0)))
gain_voltage.append(self._gain_auto(AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P2)))
if self.board_version == 'mb.2023.0.0':
self.pin6.value = False # IHM current injection led off
gain = np.min(gain_voltage)
f'Gain current: {gain_current:.3f}, gain voltage: {gain_voltage[0]:.3f}, '
self.ads_current = ads.ADS1115(self.i2c, gain=gain_current, data_rate=860,
address=self.ads_current_address, mode=0)
self.pin0.value = False
self.pin1.value = False
# one stack = 2 half-cycles (one positive, one negative)
pinMN = 0 if polarity > 0 else 2 # noqa
# sampling for each stack at the end of the injection
sampling_interval = 10 # ms # TODO: make this a config option
self.nb_samples = int(
injection_duration * 1000 // sampling_interval) + 1 # TODO: check this strategy
# full data for waveform
fulldata = []
# we sample every 10 ms (as using AnalogIn for both current
# and voltage takes about 7 ms). When we go over the injection
# duration, we break the loop and truncate the meas arrays
# only the last values in meas will be taken into account
start_time = time.time() # start counter
for n in range(0, nb_stack * 2): # for each half-cycles
# current injection
if (n % 2) == 0:
self.pin0.value = True
self.pin1.value = False
if autogain: # select gain computed on first half cycle
self.ads_voltage = ads.ADS1115(self.i2c, gain=(gain_voltage[0]), data_rate=860,
address=self.ads_voltage_address, mode=0)
self.pin0.value = False
self.pin1.value = True # current injection nr2
if autogain: # select gain computed on first half cycle
self.ads_voltage = ads.ADS1115(self.i2c, gain=(gain_voltage[1]), data_rate=860,
address=self.ads_voltage_address, mode=0)
self.exec_logger.debug(f'Stack {n} {self.pin0.value} {self.pin1.value}')
if self.board_version == 'mb.2023.0.0':
self.pin6.value = True # IHM current injection led on
# measurement of current i and voltage u during injection
meas = np.zeros((self.nb_samples, 5)) * np.nan
start_delay = time.time() # stating measurement time
dt = 0
k = 0
for k in range(0, self.nb_samples):
# reading current value on ADS channels
meas[k, 0] = (AnalogIn(self.ads_current, ads.P0).voltage * 1000) / (50 * self.r_shunt)
if self.board_version == 'mb.2023.0.0':
if pinMN == 0:
meas[k, 1] = AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P0).voltage * 1000.
meas[k, 3] = meas[k, 1]
meas[k, 4] = AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P2).voltage * 1000. * -1.0
meas[k, 1] = AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P2).voltage * 1000. * -1.0
meas[k, 4] = meas[k, 1]
meas[k, 3] = AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P0).voltage * 1000.
elif self.board_version == '22.10':
meas[k, 1] = -AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P0, ads.P1).voltage * self.coef_p2 * 1000
# else:
# self.exec_logger.debug('Unknown board')
time.sleep(sampling_interval / 1000)
dt = time.time() - start_delay # real injection time (s)
meas[k, 2] = time.time() - start_time
if dt > (injection_duration - 0 * sampling_interval / 1000.):
# stop current injection
self.pin0.value = False
self.pin1.value = False
self.pin6.value = False # IHM current injection led on
end_delay = time.time()
# truncate the meas array if we didn't fill the last samples #TODO: check why
meas = meas[:k + 1]
# measurement of current i and voltage u during off time
measpp = np.zeros((int(meas.shape[0]*(1/duty_cycle-1)), 5)) * np.nan
time.sleep(sampling_interval / 1000)
start_delay_off = time.time() # stating measurement time
dt = 0
for k in range(0, measpp.shape[0]):
# reading current value on ADS channels
measpp[k, 0] = (AnalogIn(self.ads_current, ads.P0).voltage * 1000.) / (50 * self.r_shunt)
if self.board_version == 'mb.2023.0.0':
#print('crenau %i sample %i'%(n,k))
if pinMN == 0:
measpp[k, 1] = AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P0).voltage * 1000.
measpp[k, 3] = measpp[k, 1]
measpp[k, 4] = AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P2).voltage * 1000. * -1.0
measpp[k, 3] = AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P0).voltage * 1000.
measpp[k, 1] = AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P2).voltage * 1000. * -1.0
measpp[k, 4] = measpp[k, 1]
elif self.board_version == '22.10':
measpp[k, 1] = -AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P0,
ads.P1).voltage * self.coef_p2 * 1000.
self.exec_logger.debug('unknown board')
time.sleep(sampling_interval / 1000)
dt = time.time() - start_delay_off # real injection time (s)
measpp[k, 2] = time.time() - start_time
if dt > (injection_duration - 0 * sampling_interval / 1000.):
end_delay_off = time.time()
# truncate the meas array if we didn't fill the last samples
measpp = measpp[:k + 1]
# we alternate on which ADS1115 pin we measure because of sign of voltage
if pinMN == 0:
pinMN = 2 # noqa
pinMN = 0 # noqa
# store data for full wave form
# TODO get battery voltage and warn if battery is running low
# TODO send a message on SOH stating the battery level
# let's do some calculation (out of the stacking loop)
# i_stack = np.empty(2 * nb_stack, dtype=object)
# vmn_stack = np.empty(2 * nb_stack, dtype=object)
i_stack, vmn_stack = [], []
# select appropriate window length to average the readings
window = int(np.min([f.shape[0] for f in fulldata[::2]]) // 3)
for n, meas in enumerate(fulldata[::2]):
# take average from the samples per stack, then sum them all
# average for the last third of the stacked values
# is done outside the loop
i_stack.append(meas[-int(window):, 0])
vmn_stack.append(meas[-int(window):, 1])
sum_i = sum_i + (np.mean(meas[-int(meas.shape[0] // 3):, 0]))
vmn1 = np.mean(meas[-int(meas.shape[0] // 3), 1])
if (n % 2) == 0:
sum_vmn = sum_vmn - vmn1
sum_ps = sum_ps + vmn1
sum_vmn = sum_vmn + vmn1
sum_ps = sum_ps + vmn1
sum_i = np.nan
sum_vmn = np.nan
sum_ps = np.nan
fulldata = None
if self.idps:
self.DPS.write_register(0x0000, 0, 2) # reset to 0 volt
self.DPS.write_register(0x09, 0) # DPS5005 off
# reshape full data to an array of good size
# we need an array of regular size to save in the csv
if not out_of_range:
fulldata = np.vstack(fulldata)
# we create a big enough array given nb_samples, number of
# half-cycles (1 stack = 2 half-cycles), and twice as we
# measure decay as well
a = np.zeros((nb_stack * self.nb_samples * 2 * 2, 5)) * np.nan
a[:fulldata.shape[0], :] = fulldata
fulldata = a
vmn_stack_mean = np.mean(
[np.diff(np.mean(vmn_stack[i * 2:i * 2 + 2], axis=1)) / 2 for i in range(nb_stack)])
vmn_std = np.sqrt(np.std(vmn_stack[::2]) ** 2 + np.std(
vmn_stack[1::2]) ** 2) # np.sum([np.std(vmn_stack[::2]),np.std(vmn_stack[1::2])])
i_stack_mean = np.mean(i_stack)
i_std = np.mean(np.array([np.std(i_stack[::2]), np.std(i_stack[1::2])]))
r_stack_mean = vmn_stack_mean / i_stack_mean
r_stack_std = np.sqrt((vmn_std / vmn_stack_mean) ** 2 + (i_std / i_stack_mean) ** 2) * r_stack_mean
ps_stack_mean = np.mean(
np.array([np.mean(np.mean(vmn_stack[i * 2:i * 2 + 2], axis=1)) for i in range(nb_stack)]))
# create a dictionary and compute averaged values from all stacks
# if self.board_version == 'mb.2023.0.0':
d = {
"A": quad[0],
"B": quad[1],
"M": quad[2],
"N": quad[3],
"inj time [ms]": (end_delay - start_delay) * 1000. if not out_of_range else 0.,
"Vmn [mV]": sum_vmn / (2 * nb_stack),
"I [mA]": sum_i / (2 * nb_stack),
"R [ohm]": sum_vmn / sum_i,
"Ps [mV]": sum_ps / (2 * nb_stack),
"nbStack": nb_stack,
"Tx [V]": tx_volt if not out_of_range else 0.,
"CPU temp [degC]": CPUTemperature().temperature,
"Nb samples [-]": self.nb_samples,
"fulldata": fulldata,
"I_stack [mA]": i_stack_mean,
"I_std [mA]": i_std,
"I_per_stack [mA]": np.array([np.mean(i_stack[i * 2:i * 2 + 2]) for i in range(nb_stack)]),
"Vmn_stack [mV]": vmn_stack_mean,
"Vmn_std [mV]": vmn_std,
"Vmn_per_stack [mV]": np.array(
[np.diff(np.mean(vmn_stack[i * 2:i * 2 + 2], axis=1))[0] / 2 for i in range(nb_stack)]),
"R_stack [ohm]": r_stack_mean,
"R_std [ohm]": r_stack_std,
"R_per_stack [Ohm]": np.mean(
[np.diff(np.mean(vmn_stack[i * 2:i * 2 + 2], axis=1)) / 2 for i in range(nb_stack)]) / np.array(
[np.mean(i_stack[i * 2:i * 2 + 2]) for i in range(nb_stack)]),
"PS_per_stack [mV]": np.array(
[np.mean(np.mean(vmn_stack[i * 2:i * 2 + 2], axis=1)) for i in range(nb_stack)]),
"PS_stack [mV]": ps_stack_mean,
"R_ab [ohm]": Rab,
"Gain_Vmn": gain
else: # for testing, generate random data
d = {'time':, 'A': quad[0], 'B': quad[1], 'M': quad[2], 'N': quad[3],
'R [ohm]': np.abs(np.random.randn(1)).tolist()}
# to the data logger
dd = d.copy()
dd.pop('fulldata') # too much for logger
dd.update({'A': str(dd['A'])})
dd.update({'B': str(dd['B'])})
dd.update({'M': str(dd['M'])})
dd.update({'N': str(dd['N'])})
# round float to 2 decimal
for key in dd.keys():
if isinstance(dd[key], float):
dd[key] = np.round(dd[key], 3)
dd['cmd_id'] = str(cmd_id)
self.pin5.value = False # IHM led on measurement off
if self.sequence is None:
return d
def run_measurement_new(self, quad=None, nb_stack=None, injection_duration=None,
autogain=True, strategy='constant', tx_volt=5, best_tx_injtime=0.1, duty_cycle=0.5,
"""Measures on a quadrupole and returns transfer resistance.
quad : iterable (list of int)
Quadrupole to measure, just for labelling. Only switch_mux_on/off
really create the route to the electrodes.
nb_stack : int, optional
Number of stacks. A stacl is considered two half-cycles (one
positive, one negative).
injection_duration : int, optional
Injection time in seconds.
autogain : bool, optional
If True, will adapt the gain of the ADS1115 to maximize the
resolution of the reading.
strategy : str, optional
(V3.0 only) If we search for best voltage (tx_volt == 0), we can choose
vmax strategy : find the highest voltage that stays in the range
For a constant value, just set the tx_volt.
tx_volt : float, optional
(V3.0 only) If specified, voltage will be imposed. If 0, we will look
for the best voltage. If the best Tx cannot be found, no
measurement will be taken and values will be NaN.
best_tx_injtime : float, optional
(V3.0 only) Injection time in seconds used for finding the best voltage.
duty_cycle : float, optional, default: 0.5
Ratio of time between injection duration and no injection duration during a half-cycle
It should be comprised between 0.5 (no injection duration same as injection duration) and 1 (no injection
duration equal to 0)
cmd_id : str, optional
Unique command identifier
self.exec_logger.debug('Starting measurement')
self.exec_logger.debug('Waiting for data')
# check arguments
if quad is None:
quad = [0, 0, 0, 0]
if self.on_pi:
if nb_stack is None:
nb_stack = self.settings['nb_stack']
if injection_duration is None:
injection_duration = self.settings['injection_duration']
tx_volt = float(tx_volt)
# inner variable initialization
sum_i = 0
sum_vmn = 0
sum_ps = 0
# let's define the pin again as if we run through measure()
# as it's run in another thread, it doesn't consider these
# and this can lead to short circuit!
self.pin0 = self.mcp_board.get_pin(0)
self.pin0.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
self.pin0.value = False
self.pin1 = self.mcp_board.get_pin(1)
self.pin1.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
self.pin1.value = False
self.pin7 = self.mcp_board.get_pin(7) # IHM on mesaurement
self.pin7.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
self.pin7.value = False
if self.sequence is None:
if self.idps:
# self.switch_dps('on')
self.pin2 = self.mcp_board.get_pin(2) # dsp +
self.pin2.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
self.pin2.value = True
self.pin3 = self.mcp_board.get_pin(3) # dsp -
self.pin3.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
self.pin3.value = True
self.pin5 = self.mcp_board.get_pin(5) # IHM on mesaurement
self.pin5.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
self.pin5.value = True
self.pin6 = self.mcp_board.get_pin(6) # IHM on mesaurement
self.pin6.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
self.pin6.value = False
self.pin7 = self.mcp_board.get_pin(7) # IHM on mesaurement
self.pin7.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
self.pin7.value = False
if self.idps:
if self.DPS.read_register(0x05, 2) < 11:
self.pin7.value = True # max current allowed (100 mA for relays) #voltage
# get best voltage to inject AND polarity
if self.idps:
tx_volt, polarity, Rab = self._compute_tx_volt(
best_tx_injtime=best_tx_injtime, strategy=strategy, tx_volt=tx_volt, autogain=autogain)
self.exec_logger.debug(f'Best vab found is {tx_volt:.3f}V')
polarity = 1
Rab = None
# first reset the gain to 2/3 before trying to find best gain (mode 0 is continuous)
self.ads_current = ads.ADS1115(self.i2c, gain=2 / 3, data_rate=860,
address=self.ads_current_address, mode=0)
self.ads_voltage = ads.ADS1115(self.i2c, gain=2 / 3, data_rate=860,
address=self.ads_voltage_address, mode=0)
# turn on the power supply
start_delay = None
end_delay = None
out_of_range = False
if self.idps:
if not np.isnan(tx_volt):
self.DPS.write_register(0x0000, tx_volt, 2) # set tx voltage in V
self.DPS.write_register(0x09, 1) # DPS5005 on
self.exec_logger.debug('No best voltage found, will not take measurement')
out_of_range = True
if not out_of_range: # we found a Vab in the range so we measure
gain = 2 / 3
self.ads_voltage = ads.ADS1115(self.i2c, gain=gain, data_rate=860,
address=self.ads_voltage_address, mode=0)
if autogain:
# compute autogain
gain_voltage = []
for n in [0, 1]: # make short cycle for gain computation
if n == 0:
self.pin0.value = True
self.pin1.value = False
if self.board_version == 'mb.2023.0.0':
self.pin6.value = True # IHM current injection led on
self.pin0.value = False
self.pin1.value = True # current injection nr2
if self.board_version == 'mb.2023.0.0':
self.pin6.value = True # IHM current injection led on
gain_current = self._gain_auto(AnalogIn(self.ads_current, ads.P0))
gain_voltage.append(self._gain_auto(AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P0)))
gain_voltage.append(self._gain_auto(AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P2)))
# if polarity > 0:
# if n == 0:
# gain_voltage.append(self._gain_auto(AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P0)))
# else:
# gain_voltage.append(self._gain_auto(AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P2)))
# else:
# if n == 0:
# gain_voltage.append(self._gain_auto(AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P2)))
# else:
# gain_voltage.append(self._gain_auto(AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P0)))
self.pin0.value = False
self.pin1.value = False
# if n == 0:
# gain_voltage.append(self._gain_auto(AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P0)))
# else:
# gain_voltage.append(self._gain_auto(AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P2)))
if self.board_version == 'mb.2023.0.0':
self.pin6.value = False # IHM current injection led off
gain = np.min(gain_voltage)
self.exec_logger.debug(f'Gain current: {gain_current:.3f}, gain voltage: {gain_voltage[0]:.3f}, '
self.ads_current = ads.ADS1115(self.i2c, gain=gain_current, data_rate=860,
address=self.ads_current_address, mode=0)
self.pin0.value = False
self.pin1.value = False
# one stack = 2 half-cycles (one positive, one negative)
pinMN = 0 if polarity > 0 else 2 # noqa
# sampling for each stack at the end of the injection
sampling_interval = 10 # ms # TODO: make this a config option
self.nb_samples = int(injection_duration * 1000 // sampling_interval) + 1 # TODO: check this strategy
# full data for waveform
fulldata = []
# we sample every 10 ms (as using AnalogIn for both current
# and voltage takes about 7 ms). When we go over the injection
# duration, we break the loop and truncate the meas arrays
# only the last values in meas will be taken into account
start_time = time.time() # start counter
for n in range(0, nb_stack * 2): # for each half-cycles
# current injection
if (n % 2) == 0:
self.pin0.value = True
self.pin1.value = False
if autogain: # select gain computed on first half cycle
self.ads_voltage = ads.ADS1115(self.i2c, gain=np.min(gain_voltage), data_rate=860,
address=self.ads_voltage_address, mode=0)
self.pin0.value = False
self.pin1.value = True # current injection nr2
if autogain: # select gain computed on first half cycle
self.ads_voltage = ads.ADS1115(self.i2c, gain=np.min(gain_voltage), data_rate=860,
address=self.ads_voltage_address, mode=0)
self.exec_logger.debug(f'Stack {n} {self.pin0.value} {self.pin1.value}')
if self.board_version == 'mb.2023.0.0':
self.pin6.value = True # IHM current injection led on
# measurement of current i and voltage u during injection
meas = np.zeros((self.nb_samples, 5)) * np.nan
start_delay = time.time() # stating measurement time
dt = 0
k = 0
for k in range(0, self.nb_samples):
# reading current value on ADS channels
meas[k, 0] = (AnalogIn(self.ads_current, ads.P0).voltage * 1000) / (50 * self.r_shunt)
if self.board_version == 'mb.2023.0.0':
# if pinMN == 0:
# meas[k, 1] = AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P0).voltage * 1000.
# meas[k, 3] = meas[k, 1]
# meas[k, 4] = AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P2).voltage * 1000. * -1.0
# else:
# meas[k, 1] = AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P2).voltage * 1000. * -1.0
# meas[k, 4] = meas[k, 1]
# meas[k, 3] = AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P0).voltage * 1000.
u0 = AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P0).voltage * 1000.
u2 = AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P2).voltage * 1000.
u = np.max([u0, u2]) * (np.heaviside(u0 - u2, 1.) * 2 - 1.)
meas[k, 1] = u
meas[k, 3] = u0
meas[k, 4] = u2 *-1.0
elif self.board_version == '22.10':
meas[k, 1] = -AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P0, ads.P1).voltage * self.coef_p2 * 1000
# else:
# self.exec_logger.debug('Unknown board')
time.sleep(sampling_interval / 1000)
dt = time.time() - start_delay # real injection time (s)
meas[k, 2] = time.time() - start_time
if dt > (injection_duration - 0 * sampling_interval / 1000.):
# stop current injection
self.pin0.value = False
self.pin1.value = False
if self.board_version == 'mb.2023.0.0':
self.pin6.value = False # IHM current injection led on
end_delay = time.time()
# truncate the meas array if we didn't fill the last samples #TODO: check why
meas = meas[:k + 1]
# measurement of current i and voltage u during off time
measpp = np.zeros((int(meas.shape[0] * (1 / duty_cycle - 1)), 5)) * np.nan
time.sleep(sampling_interval / 1000)
start_delay_off = time.time() # stating measurement time
dt = 0
for k in range(0, measpp.shape[0]):
# reading current value on ADS channels
measpp[k, 0] = (AnalogIn(self.ads_current, ads.P0).voltage * 1000.) / (50 * self.r_shunt)
if self.board_version == 'mb.2023.0.0':
# if pinMN == 0:
# measpp[k, 1] = AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P0).voltage * 1000.
# measpp[k, 3] = measpp[k, 1]
# measpp[k, 4] = AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P2).voltage * 1000. * -1.0
# else:
# measpp[k, 3] = AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P0).voltage * 1000.
# measpp[k, 1] = AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P2).voltage * 1000. * -1.0
# measpp[k, 4] = measpp[k, 1]
u0 = AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P0).voltage * 1000.
u2 = AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P2).voltage * 1000.
u = np.max([u0, u2]) * (np.heaviside(u0 - u2, 1.) * 2 - 1.)
measpp[k, 1] = u
measpp[k, 3] = u0
measpp[k, 4] = u2*-1.0
elif self.board_version == '22.10':
measpp[k, 1] = -AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P0, ads.P1).voltage * self.coef_p2 * 1000.
self.exec_logger.debug('unknown board')
time.sleep(sampling_interval / 1000)
dt = time.time() - start_delay_off # real injection time (s)
measpp[k, 2] = time.time() - start_time
if dt > (injection_duration - 0 * sampling_interval / 1000.):
end_delay_off = time.time()
# truncate the meas array if we didn't fill the last samples
measpp = measpp[:k + 1]
# we alternate on which ADS1115 pin we measure because of sign of voltage
if pinMN == 0:
pinMN = 2 # noqa
pinMN = 0 # noqa
# store data for full wave form
# TODO get battery voltage and warn if battery is running low
# TODO send a message on SOH stating the battery level
# let's do some calculation (out of the stacking loop)
# i_stack = np.empty(2 * nb_stack, dtype=object)
# vmn_stack = np.empty(2 * nb_stack, dtype=object)
i_stack, vmn_stack = [], []
# select appropriate window length to average the readings
window = int(np.min([f.shape[0] for f in fulldata[::2]]) // 3)
for n, meas in enumerate(fulldata[::2]):
# take average from the samples per stack, then sum them all
# average for the last third of the stacked values
# is done outside the loop
i_stack.append(meas[-int(window):, 0])
vmn_stack.append(meas[-int(window):, 1])
sum_i = sum_i + (np.mean(meas[-int(meas.shape[0] // 3):, 0]))
vmn1 = np.mean(meas[-int(meas.shape[0] // 3), 1])
if (n % 2) == 0:
sum_vmn = sum_vmn - vmn1
sum_ps = sum_ps + vmn1
sum_vmn = sum_vmn + vmn1
sum_ps = sum_ps + vmn1
sum_i = np.nan
sum_vmn = np.nan
sum_ps = np.nan
fulldata = None
if self.idps:
self.DPS.write_register(0x0000, 0, 2) # reset to 0 volt
self.DPS.write_register(0x09, 0) # DPS5005 off
# reshape full data to an array of good size
# we need an array of regular size to save in the csv
if not out_of_range:
fulldata = np.vstack(fulldata)
# we create a big enough array given nb_samples, number of
# half-cycles (1 stack = 2 half-cycles), and twice as we
# measure decay as well
a = np.zeros((nb_stack * self.nb_samples * 2 * 2, 5)) * np.nan
a[:fulldata.shape[0], :] = fulldata
fulldata = a
vmn_stack_mean = np.mean(
[np.diff(np.mean(vmn_stack[i * 2:i * 2 + 2], axis=1)) / 2 for i in range(nb_stack)])
vmn_std = np.sqrt(np.std(vmn_stack[::2]) ** 2 + np.std(
vmn_stack[1::2]) ** 2) # np.sum([np.std(vmn_stack[::2]),np.std(vmn_stack[1::2])])
i_stack_mean = np.mean(i_stack)
i_std = np.mean(np.array([np.std(i_stack[::2]), np.std(i_stack[1::2])]))
r_stack_mean = vmn_stack_mean / i_stack_mean
r_stack_std = np.sqrt((vmn_std / vmn_stack_mean) ** 2 + (i_std / i_stack_mean) ** 2) * r_stack_mean
ps_stack_mean = np.mean(
np.array([np.mean(np.mean(vmn_stack[i * 2:i * 2 + 2], axis=1)) for i in range(nb_stack)]))
# create a dictionary and compute averaged values from all stacks
# if self.board_version == 'mb.2023.0.0':
d = {
"A": quad[0],
"B": quad[1],
"M": quad[2],
"N": quad[3],
"inj time [ms]": (end_delay - start_delay) * 1000. if not out_of_range else 0.,
"Vmn [mV]": sum_vmn / (2 * nb_stack),
"I [mA]": sum_i / (2 * nb_stack),
"R [ohm]": sum_vmn / sum_i,
"Ps [mV]": sum_ps / (2 * nb_stack),
"nbStack": nb_stack,
"Tx [V]": tx_volt if not out_of_range else 0.,
"CPU temp [degC]": CPUTemperature().temperature,
"Nb samples [-]": self.nb_samples,
"fulldata": fulldata,
"I_stack [mA]": i_stack_mean,
"I_std [mA]": i_std,
"I_per_stack [mA]": np.array([np.mean(i_stack[i * 2:i * 2 + 2]) for i in range(nb_stack)]),
"Vmn_stack [mV]": vmn_stack_mean,
"Vmn_std [mV]": vmn_std,
"Vmn_per_stack [mV]": np.array(
[np.diff(np.mean(vmn_stack[i * 2:i * 2 + 2], axis=1))[0] / 2 for i in range(nb_stack)]),
"R_stack [ohm]": r_stack_mean,
"R_std [ohm]": r_stack_std,
"R_per_stack [ohm]": np.mean(
[np.diff(np.mean(vmn_stack[i * 2:i * 2 + 2], axis=1)) / 2 for i in range(nb_stack)]) / np.array(
[np.mean(i_stack[i * 2:i * 2 + 2]) for i in range(nb_stack)]),
"PS_per_stack [mV]": np.array(
[np.mean(np.mean(vmn_stack[i * 2:i * 2 + 2], axis=1)) for i in range(nb_stack)]),
"PS_stack [mV]": ps_stack_mean,
"R_ab [ohm]": Rab,
"Gain_Vmn": gain
# print(np.array([(vmn_stack[i*2:i*2+2]) for i in range(nb_stack)]))
# elif self.board_version == '22.10':
# d = {
# "time":,
# "A": quad[0],
# "B": quad[1],
# "M": quad[2],
# "N": quad[3],
# "inj time [ms]": (end_delay - start_delay) * 1000. if not out_of_range else 0.,
# "Vmn [mV]": sum_vmn / (2 * nb_stack),
# "I [mA]": sum_i / (2 * nb_stack),
# "R [ohm]": sum_vmn / sum_i,
# "Ps [mV]": sum_ps / (2 * nb_stack),
# "nbStack": nb_stack,
# "Tx [V]": tx_volt if not out_of_range else 0.,
# "CPU temp [degC]": CPUTemperature().temperature,
# "Nb samples [-]": self.nb_samples,
# "fulldata": fulldata,
# }
else: # for testing, generate random data
d = {'time':, 'A': quad[0], 'B': quad[1], 'M': quad[2], 'N': quad[3],
'R [ohm]': np.abs(np.random.randn(1)).tolist()}
# to the data logger
dd = d.copy()
dd.pop('fulldata') # too much for logger
dd.update({'A': str(dd['A'])})
dd.update({'B': str(dd['B'])})
dd.update({'M': str(dd['M'])})
dd.update({'N': str(dd['N'])})
# round float to 2 decimal
for key in dd.keys():
if isinstance(dd[key], float):
dd[key] = np.round(dd[key], 3)
dd['cmd_id'] = str(cmd_id)
self.pin5.value = False # IHM led on measurement off
if self.sequence is None:
return d
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