- Bug fixed when StartParamList or StartParamDistrib arguments are used in the CreateCalibOptions() function.
- CreateInputsModel() now returns an error if NLayers <= 0 when CemaNeige is used.
- plot_OutputsModel() now displays raw values on the y-axis when the discharge time series is represented with log scale (formerly, log values of discharges were displayed on the y-axis).
- ErrorCrit*() functions gain a warnings argument to replace the verbose action and the verbose argument now prints the criterion value(s).
- The RunModel_GR6J() and RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J() models were modified back to versions previous to 1.0.1 to prevent from unwanted efficiency criteria deterioration related to the calibration with Calibration_Michel().
- The RunModel_GR6J() and RunModel_CemaNeigeGR6J() models were modified back to versions previous to 1.0.1 to prevent from unwanted efficiency criteria deterioration related to the calibration with Calibration_Michel().