Commit 96b94104 authored by Grelot Frederic's avatar Grelot Frederic :swimmer_tone5:
Browse files

Merge branch '3-add-population-data' into 'master'

Resolve "add population data"

Closes #3

See merge request !4

Passage en version
0 errors :heavy_check_mark: | 0 warnings :heavy_check_mark: | 0 notes :heavy_check_mark:

- population dataset
- catnat dataset remplace gaspar dataset
- clc_color dataset
- map_so_ii amélioré
   - gestion des year et des hazard pour les thèmes
   - gestion des légendes pour les thèmes
Showing with 493 additions and 39 deletions
+493 -39
Package: geau
Title: Utilities very useful to share within geau-inondation team
person(given = "Frédéric",
family = "Grelot",
......@@ -2,5 +2,6 @@
......@@ -50,17 +50,44 @@
#' }
#' Flood frequency for the municipalities of so-ii
#' Population for so-ii
#' A dataset containing the flood frequency by year and so-ii municipality
#' according to the GASPAR database.
#' A dataset containing the population of commune in so-ii according to INSEE.
#' @format matrix 78 rows, 41 variables
#' @format numeric matrix
#' \describe{
#' \item{row}{commune as in so_ii_scope}
#' \item{column}{year}
#' }
#' @source \url{}
#' Number of Cat Nat events for the municipalities of so-ii
#' A dataset containing the number of Cat Nat events (linked to flood) by year
#' and so-ii municipality according to the GASPAR database.
#' @format array with 3 dimensions
#' \describe{
#' \item{first}{commune as in so_ii_scope}
#' \item{second}{year of Cat Nat events}
#' \item{third}{type of hazard}
#' }
#' @source \url{}
#' CLC information for so-ii
#' A dataset containing the 2018 version of CLC information for so-ii
#' @format sf object
\ No newline at end of file
#' Color and label for CLC
#' A dataset proposing default colors and labels for plotting CLC
#' @format data.frame 5 rows, 3 variables
\ No newline at end of file
#' @title Estimate frequency of Cat Nat events
#' @param commune factor, commune
#' @param period POSIXct, a date for the event
#' @param hazard factor, type of hazard
#' @param period_format character, format to extract information from period
#' @return array fivving frequency of Cat Nat events with 3 dimensions
#' (commune, period, hazard)
#' @export
#' @encoding UTF-8
#' @author Frédéric Grelot
#' @author David Nortes Martinez
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # To be added (soon)
#' }
estimate_catnat_freq = function(
period_format = "%Y"
) {
period = format(as.Date(period), period_format)
period_levels = switch(
EXPR = period_format,
"%Y" = formatC(
width = 4, format = "d", flag = "0"
"%m" = formatC(1:12, width = 2, format = "d", flag = "0"),
result = data.frame(
commune = commune,
period = factor(period, levels = period_levels),
hazard = hazard
result = table(result)
class(result) = "array"
#' @title Plot a thematic map of so-ii
#' @details
#' hazard must be chosen in c("inondation", "submersion", "nappe").
#' @param dataset sf objectf, data to be plotted
#' @param dataset_legend list of parameters to be passed to legend
#' @param theme character, choice for the theme (if any)
#' @param bar logical, should a bar be plotted
#' @param bar logical, should a bar be plotted for the dataset
#' @param path character, the name of the file to save the plot
#' @param gaspar_year character, the year chosen for gaspar theme
#' @param legend_theme logical, should a legend be plotted for the theme
#' @param year character, the year chosen for some themes (catnat, population)
#' @param hazard character, type of hazard chosen (if any). See details.
#' @param ... some parameters that will be used by plot (from sf)
#' @return Nothing useful.
......@@ -24,10 +29,12 @@
map_so_ii = function(
dataset_legend = NULL,
theme = c("clc", "gaspar"),
theme = "clc",
bar = TRUE,
path = NULL,
legend_theme = FALSE,
) {
......@@ -52,18 +59,101 @@ map_so_ii = function(
col = geau::so_ii_clc[["color"]],
add = TRUE
theme_legend = list(
title = "CLC (2018)",
legend = geau::clc_color[["label_fr"]],
x = "topright",
cex = .8,
bg = "white",
inset = 0.01,
fill = geau::clc_color[["color"]]
if ("gaspar" %in% theme) {
if ("population" %in% theme) {
if (missing(year)) {
year = utils::tail(sort(colnames(geau::so_ii_population)), 1)
population_palette = scales::colour_ramp(c("white", "red"), alpha = .5)
color = matrix(
trans = scales::log_trans()),
nrow = nrow(geau::so_ii_population),
dimnames = dimnames(geau::so_ii_population)
border = "grey80"
border = border,
col = color[ , year],
add = TRUE
value_legend = c(100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 250000)
color_legend = scales::cscale(
c(range(geau::so_ii_population), value_legend),
trans = scales::log_trans()
text_legend = formatC(
big.mark = " "
theme_legend = list(
title = sprintf("Population %s", year),
legend = rep("", length(text_legend)),
x = "topright",
cex = .8,
bg = "white",
inset = 0.01,
fill = color_legend,
border = border,
text.width = graphics::strwidth(utils::tail(text_legend, 1))
if ("catnat" %in% theme) {
border = NA
color = NA
if (!missing(gaspar_year)) {
if (!missing(year)) {
border = "grey80"
if (missing(hazard)) {
hazard = dimnames(geau::so_ii_catnat)[["hazard"]]
} else {
hazard = intersect(
if (length(hazard) == 0) {
hazard = dimnames(geau::so_ii_catnat)[["hazard"]]
catnat = apply(
geau::so_ii_catnat[, as.character(year), hazard, drop = FALSE],
color = ifelse(
geau::so_ii_gaspar[ , as.character(gaspar_year)] > 0,
catnat > 0,
scales::alpha("grey80", .5),
theme_legend = list(
title = sprintf("Cat-Nat %s", year),
legend = c("Sans d\u00e9claration", "Avec d\u00e9claration"),
x = "topright",
cex = .8,
bg = "white",
inset = 0.01,
fill = unique(color),
border = border
......@@ -98,5 +188,17 @@ map_so_ii = function(, dataset_legend)
if (legend_theme == TRUE && exists("theme_legend")) {
temp =, theme_legend)
if (exists("text_legend")) {
x = temp[["rect"]][["left"]] + temp[["rect"]][["w"]],
y = temp[["text"]][["y"]],
labels = text_legend,
pos = 2
# code to prepare `so_ii_catnat` dataset goes here
so_ii_catnat = read.csv2(
geau::current_version("data-common/so-ii/gaspar", "catnat-")
alea_scope = c("inondation", "nappe", "submersion")
so_ii_catnat = so_ii_catnat[ so_ii_catnat[["alea"]] %in% alea_scope, ]
so_ii_catnat[["commune"]] = factor(
levels = so_ii_scope
so_ii_catnat[["alea"]] = factor(
levels = alea_scope
so_ii_catnat = estimate_catnat_freq(
# updating datasets
actual = setwd("geau")
usethis::use_data(so_ii_catnat, internal = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE)
\ No newline at end of file
# code to prepare `so_ii_population` dataset goes here
so_ii_population = readxl::read_xlsx(
sheet = 1,
skip = 5,
class(so_ii_population) = "data.frame"
rownames(so_ii_population) = so_ii_population[["CODGEO"]]
selection = grep(
value = TRUE
so_ii_population = as.matrix(
so_ii_population[geau::so_ii_scope, selection]
year = gsub("PMUN", "20", selection)
year = gsub("PTOT", "19", year)
year = gsub("1919", "19", year)
year = gsub("1918", "18", year)
dimnames(so_ii_population)[[2]] = year
# updating datasets
# actual = setwd(file.path(system.file(package = "geau"), ".."))
actual = setwd("geau")
usethis::use_data(so_ii_population, internal = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE)
......@@ -24,26 +24,40 @@ so_ii_limit = sf::st_union(so_ii_commune)
so_ii_clc = readRDS("data-common/data/so-ii/so-ii_clc.rds")
so_ii_clc = so_ii_clc["code_18"]
names(so_ii_clc) = c("clc_2018", "geometry")
color = scales::alpha(c("red3", "darkolivegreen3", "darkgreen", "#4C90B4", "lightblue"), .2)
clc_color = data.frame(
color = scales::alpha(
label_fr = c(
"Zone urbaine",
"Zone agricole",
"Forêt, zone naturelle",
"Zone humide",
"Surface d'eau"
label_uk = c(
"Urban area",
"Agricultural area",
"Forest, natural area",
"Humid area",
"Water surface"
so_ii_clc[["color"]] = as.character(
as.integer(substr(so_ii_clc[["clc_2018"]], 1, 1)),
breaks = 5,
labels = color
labels = clc_color[["color"]]
# code to prepare `so_ii_gaspar` dataset goes here
so_ii_gaspar = read.csv2(
current_version("data-common/so-ii/gaspar", "catnat_year_n"),
header = TRUE,
row.names = 1
so_ii_gaspar = as.matrix(so_ii_gaspar)
colnames(so_ii_gaspar) = gsub("^X", "", colnames(so_ii_gaspar))
so_ii_gaspar = so_ii_gaspar[so_ii_scope, ]
# updating datasets
# actual = setwd(file.path(system.file(package = "geau"), ".."))
......@@ -52,5 +66,5 @@ usethis::use_data(so_ii_scope, internal = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE)
usethis::use_data(so_ii_commune, internal = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE)
usethis::use_data(so_ii_limit, internal = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE)
usethis::use_data(so_ii_clc, internal = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE)
usethis::use_data(so_ii_gaspar, internal = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE)
usethis::use_data(clc_color, internal = FALSE, overwrite = TRUE)
File added
File added
File deleted
File added
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/data.r
\title{Flood frequency for the municipalities of so-ii}
\title{Color and label for CLC}
matrix 78 rows, 41 variables
data.frame 5 rows, 3 variables
A dataset containing the flood frequency by year and so-ii municipality
according to the GASPAR database.
A dataset proposing default colors and labels for plotting CLC
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/estimate_catnat_freq.R
\title{Estimate frequency of Cat Nat events}
estimate_catnat_freq(commune, period, hazard, period_format = "\%Y")
\item{commune}{factor, commune}
\item{period}{POSIXct, a date for the event}
\item{hazard}{factor, type of hazard}
\item{period_format}{character, format to extract information from period}
array fivving frequency of Cat Nat events with 3 dimensions
(commune, period, hazard)
Estimate frequency of Cat Nat events
# To be added (soon)
Frédéric Grelot
David Nortes Martinez
......@@ -8,10 +8,12 @@
dataset_legend = NULL,
theme = c("clc", "gaspar"),
theme = "clc",
bar = TRUE,
path = NULL,
legend_theme = FALSE,
......@@ -22,11 +24,15 @@ map_so_ii(
\item{theme}{character, choice for the theme (if any)}
\item{bar}{logical, should a bar be plotted}
\item{bar}{logical, should a bar be plotted for the dataset}
\item{path}{character, the name of the file to save the plot}
\item{gaspar_year}{character, the year chosen for gaspar theme}
\item{legend_theme}{logical, should a legend be plotted for the theme}
\item{year}{character, the year chosen for some themes (catnat, population)}
\item{hazard}{character, type of hazard chosen (if any). See details.}
\item{...}{some parameters that will be used by plot (from sf)}
......@@ -36,6 +42,9 @@ Nothing useful.
Plot a thematic map of so-ii
hazard must be chosen in c("inondation", "submersion", "nappe").
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/data.r
\title{Number of Cat Nat events for the municipalities of so-ii}
array with 3 dimensions
\item{first}{commune as in so_ii_scope}
\item{second}{year of Cat Nat events}
\item{third}{type of hazard}
A dataset containing the number of Cat Nat events (linked to flood) by year
and so-ii municipality according to the GASPAR database.
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/data.r
\title{Population for so-ii}
numeric matrix
\item{row}{commune as in so_ii_scope}
A dataset containing the population of commune in so-ii according to INSEE.
......@@ -16,13 +16,17 @@ pch = 21
# Legend definition
dataset_legend = list(
title = "Enquêtes du REX 19 septembre 2020",
legend = c("Agriculteurs", "Habitants membre ROI"),
pch = 21,
legend = c("Agriculteur", "Habitant"),
pch = pch, = c("deeppink4", "cornflowerblue"),
pt.cex = 1.4
pt.cex = cex
map_so_ii(dataset, dataset_legend, path = "toto.pdf", bg = bg, cex = cex, col = col, pch = pch)
map_so_ii(dataset, dataset_legend, path = "toto.png", bg = bg, cex = cex, col = col, pch = pch)
map_so_ii(dataset, dataset_legend, path = "toto.pdf", bg = bg, pch = 22)
map_so_ii(dataset, dataset_legend, path = "toto.pdf", bg = bg, pch = 22, theme = "gaspar")
\ No newline at end of file
map_so_ii(dataset, dataset_legend, bg = bg, pch = pch, theme = "clc", legend_theme = TRUE)
map_so_ii(dataset, dataset_legend, bg = bg, pch = pch, theme = "catnat", year = 2020, legend_theme = TRUE)
map_so_ii(dataset, dataset_legend, bg = bg, pch = pch, theme = "catnat", year = 2020, hazard = "nappe", legend_theme = TRUE)
map_so_ii(dataset, dataset_legend, bg = bg, pch = pch, theme = "population", legend_theme = TRUE)
map_so_ii(dataset, dataset_legend, path = "rex-clc.pdf", bg = bg, pch = pch, theme = "clc", year = 2020, legend_theme = TRUE)
map_so_ii(dataset, dataset_legend, path = "rex-catnat.pdf", bg = bg, pch = pch, theme = "catnat", year = 2020, legend_theme = TRUE)
map_so_ii(dataset, dataset_legend, path = "rex-population.pdf", bg = bg, pch = pch, theme = "population", legend_theme = TRUE)
\ No newline at end of file
# Functions
plot_chronicle = function(catnat, file_path = "catnat-chronicle.pdf") {
year.month = format(catnat[["date.start"]], "%Y-%m")
n.ym = table(year.month)
d.ym = as.Date(paste(names(n.ym), "01", sep = "-"))
pdf(file_path, width = 20, height = 10)
plot(d.ym, as.integer(n.ym), type = "h", xaxt = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "n", col = "royalblue3")
axis.Date(1, format = "%Y-%m", las = 2, at = d.ym)
axis.Date(1, format = "%Y-%m", las = 2, label = FALSE,
at = seq(range(d.ym)[1], range(d.ym)[2], by = "month"))
plot_month = function(catnat, file_path = "catnat-month.pdf") {
month = format(seq(as.Date("2020-01-01"), length.out = 12, by = "month"), "%m")
month = table(factor(format(catnat[["date.start"]], "%m"), levels = month))
pdf(file_path, width = 20, height = 10)
barplot(height = month, ylab = "n", xlab = "month", col = "royalblue3")
# Data
## Preparing files & version (today)
today = as.character(Sys.Date())
dir.create("data-common/data/gaspar/archive", showWarnings = FALSE)
archive = sprintf("data-common/data/gaspar/archive/gaspar-%s", today)
## Download uptodate data
url = "",
destfile = file.path(sprintf("", archive)),
method = "wget")
utils::unzip(sprintf("", archive), exdir = archive)
unlink(archive, recursive = TRUE)
catnat = rio::import(file.path(archive, "catnat_gaspar.csv"))[-c(1, 10)]
## Formating data + scope
names(catnat) = c(
# write.csv2(unique(catnat[c("alea_code", "alea")]), "lib_risque_jo.csv", row.names = FALSE)
# catnat = catnat[ grep("nondation", catnat[["alea"]]), ]
so_ii_scope = geau::so_ii_scope
catnat_so_ii = merge(
catnat[ catnat[["commune"]] %in% so_ii_scope, ],
sprintf("data-common/so-ii/gaspar/catnat-%s.csv", today),
row.names = FALSE
alea_scope = c("inondation", "nappe", "submersion")
catnat_so_ii = catnat_so_ii[ catnat_so_ii[["alea"]] %in% alea_scope, ]
catnat_so_ii[["commune"]] = factor(
levels = so_ii_scope
catnat_so_ii[["alea"]] = factor(
levels = alea_scope
# Treatments
plot_chronicle(catnat, "figure/catnat-france-chronicle.pdf")
plot_month(catnat, "figure/catnat-france-month.pdf")
plot_chronicle(catnat_so_ii, "catnat-so-ii-chronicle.pdf")
plot_month(catnat_so_ii, "catnat-so-ii-month.pdf")
write.csv2(catnat_year, sprintf("data-common/so-ii/gaspar/catnat_year_n-%s.csv", today))
write.csv2(catnat_month, sprintf("data-common/so-ii/gaspar/catnat_month_n-%s.csv", today))
\ No newline at end of file
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