ohmpi.py 47.7 KB
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
created on January 6, 2020.
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Updates May 2022, Oct 2022.
Ohmpi.py is a program to control a low-cost and open hardware resistivity meter OhmPi that has been developed by
Olivier KAUFMANN (UMONS), Arnaud WATELET (UMONS) and Guillaume BLANCHY (ILVO).
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import zmq
from datetime import datetime
from termcolor import colored
import threading
from logging_setup import setup_loggers
import minimalmodbus  # for programmable power supply
from copy import deepcopy
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from subprocess import Popen

# finish import (done only when class is instantiated as some libs are only available on arm64 platform)
    import board  # noqa
    import busio  # noqa
    import adafruit_tca9548a  # noqa
    import adafruit_ads1x15.ads1115 as ads  # noqa
    from adafruit_ads1x15.analog_in import AnalogIn  # noqa
    from adafruit_mcp230xx.mcp23008 import MCP23008  # noqa
    from adafruit_mcp230xx.mcp23017 import MCP23017  # noqa
    import digitalio  # noqa
    from digitalio import Direction  # noqa
    from gpiozero import CPUTemperature  # noqa

    arm64_imports = True
except ImportError as error:
    print(colored(f'Import error: {error}', 'yellow'))
    arm64_imports = False
except Exception as error:
    print(colored(f'Unexpected error: {error}', 'red'))

class OhmPi(object):
    """Create the main OhmPi object.

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    settings : str, optional
        Path to the .json configuration file.
    sequence : str, optional
        Path to the .txt where the sequence is read. By default, a 1 quadrupole
        sequence: 1, 2, 3, 4 is used.

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    def __init__(self, settings=None, sequence=None, mqtt=False, on_pi=None, idps=False):
        # flags and attributes
        if on_pi is None:
            _, on_pi = OhmPi.get_platform()
        self.sequence = sequence
        self.on_pi = on_pi  # True if run from the RaspberryPi with the hardware, otherwise False for random data
        self.status = 'idle'  # either running or idle
        self.run = False  # flag is True when measuring
        self.thread = None  # contains the handle for the thread taking the measurement
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        # self.path = 'data/'  # where to save the .csv

        # set loggers
        config_exec_logger, _, config_data_logger, _, _ = setup_loggers(mqtt=mqtt)  # TODO: add SOH
        self.data_logger = config_data_logger
        self.exec_logger = config_exec_logger
        self.soh_logger = None
        print(colored(f'Exec logger {self.exec_logger.handlers if self.exec_logger is not None else "None"}', 'blue'))
        print(colored(f'Data logger {self.data_logger.handlers if self.data_logger is not None else "None"}', 'blue'))
        print(colored(f'SOH logger {self.soh_logger.handlers if self.soh_logger is not None else "None"}', 'blue'))

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        # read in hardware parameters (config.py)
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        # default acquisition settings
        self.settings = {
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            'nbr_meas': 1,
            'sequence_delay': 1,
            'nb_stack': 1,
            'export_path': 'data/measurement.csv'
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        # read in acquisition settings
        if settings is not None:
        self.exec_logger.debug('Initialized with settings:' + str(self.settings))
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            self.sequence = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4]], dtype=np.int32)
        self.idps = idps  # flag to use dps for injection or not
        # connect to components on the OhmPi board
        if self.on_pi:
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            # activation of I2C protocolge
            self.i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)  # noqa

            # I2C connexion to MCP23008, for current injection
            self.mcp = MCP23008(self.i2c, address=0x20)

            # ADS1115 for current measurement (AB)
            self.ads_current_address = 0x48
            self.ads_current = ads.ADS1115(self.i2c, gain=2 / 3, data_rate=860, address=self.ads_current_address)
            self.ads_voltage_address = 0x49
            self.ads_voltage = ads.ADS1115(self.i2c, gain=2 / 3, data_rate=860, address=self.ads_voltage_address)
            if self.idps:
                self.DPS = minimalmodbus.Instrument(port='/dev/ttyUSB0', slaveaddress=1) # port name, slave address (in decimal)
                self.DPS.serial.baudrate = 9600                      # Baud rate 9600 as listed in doc
                self.DPS.serial.bytesize = 8                         # 
                self.DPS.serial.timeout  = 1                         # greater than 0.5 for it to work
                self.DPS.debug           = False                     # 
                self.DPS.serial.parity   = 'N'                       # No parity
                self.DPS.mode            = minimalmodbus.MODE_RTU    # RTU mode
                self.DPS.write_register(0x0001, 40, 0)   # max current allowed (36 mA for relays)
                # (last number) 0 is for mA, 3 is for A
            # injection courant and measure (TODO check if it works, otherwise back in run_measurement())
            self.pin0 = self.mcp.get_pin(0)
            self.pin0.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
            self.pin0.value = False
            self.pin1 = self.mcp.get_pin(1)
            self.pin1.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
            self.pin1.value = False

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        # Starts the command processing thread
        self.cmd_listen = True
        self.cmd_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.process_commands)

    def _update_acquisition_settings(self, config):
        """Update acquisition settings from a json file or dictionary.
        Parameters can be:
            - nb_electrodes (number of electrode used, if 4, no MUX needed)
            - injection_duration (in seconds)
            - nbr_meas (total number of times the sequence will be run)
            - sequence_delay (delay in second between each sequence run)
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            - nb_stack (number of stack for each quadrupole measurement)
            - export_path (path where to export the data, timestamp will be added to filename)

        config : str
            Path to the .json or dictionary.
        if isinstance(config, dict):
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            with open(config) as json_file:
                dic = json.load(json_file)
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        self.exec_logger.debug('Acquisition parameters updated: ' + str(self.settings))
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    def _read_hardware_config(self):
        """Read hardware configuration from config.py
        from config import OHMPI_CONFIG
        self.id = OHMPI_CONFIG['id']  # ID of the OhmPi
        self.r_shunt = OHMPI_CONFIG['R_shunt']  # reference resistance value in ohm
        self.Imax = OHMPI_CONFIG['Imax']  # maximum current
        self.exec_logger.warning(f'The maximum current cannot be higher than {self.Imax} mA')
        self.coef_p2 = OHMPI_CONFIG['coef_p2']  # slope for current conversion for ads.P2, measurement in V/V
        self.nb_samples = OHMPI_CONFIG['integer']  # number of samples measured for each stack
        self.version = OHMPI_CONFIG['version']  # hardware version
        self.max_elec = OHMPI_CONFIG['max_elec']  # maximum number of electrodes
        self.board_address = OHMPI_CONFIG['board_address']
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        self.board_version = OHMPI_CONFIG['board_version']
        self.exec_logger.debug(f'OHMPI_CONFIG = {str(OHMPI_CONFIG)}')
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    def find_identical_in_line(quads):
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        """Find quadrupole where A and B are identical.
        If A and B are connected to the same relay, the Pi burns (short-circuit).
            List of quadrupoles of shape nquad x 4 or 1D vector of shape nquad.
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        output : numpy.ndarray 1D array of int
            List of index of rows where A and B are identical.
        # TODO is this needed for M and N?

        # if we have a 1D array (so only 1 quadrupole), make it 2D
        if len(quads.shape) == 1:
            quads = quads[None, :]

        output = np.where(quads[:, 0] == quads[:, 1])[0]

        # output = []
        # if array_object.ndim == 1:
        #     temp = np.zeros(4)
        #     for i in range(len(array_object)):
        #         temp[i] = np.count_nonzero(array_object == array_object[i])
        #     if any(temp > 1):
        #         output.append(0)
        # else:
        #     for i in range(len(array_object[:,1])):
        #         temp = np.zeros(len(array_object[1,:]))
        #         for j in range(len(array_object[1,:])):
        #             temp[j] = np.count_nonzero(array_object[i,:] == array_object[i,j])
        #         if any(temp > 1):
        #             output.append(i)
        return output

        """Get platform name and check if it is a raspberry pi
        str, bool
            name of the platform on which the code is running, boolean that is true if the platform is a raspberry pi"""

        platform = 'unknown'
        on_pi = False
            with io.open('/sys/firmware/devicetree/base/model', 'r') as f:
                platform = f.read().lower()
            if 'raspberry pi' in platform:
                on_pi = True
        except FileNotFoundError:
        return platform, on_pi

    def read_quad(self, filename):
        """Read quadrupole sequence from file.

        filename : str
            Path of the .csv or .txt file with A, B, M and N electrodes.
            Electrode index start at 1.

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        sequence : numpy.array
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        sequence = np.loadtxt(filename, delimiter=" ", dtype=np.int32)  # load quadrupole file

        if sequence is not None:
            self.exec_logger.debug('Sequence of {:d} quadrupoles read.'.format(sequence.shape[0]))

        # locate lines where the electrode index exceeds the maximum number of electrodes
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        test_index_elec = np.array(np.where(sequence > self.max_elec))
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        test_same_elec = self.find_identical_in_line(sequence)

        # if statement with exit cases (TODO rajouter un else if pour le deuxième cas du ticket #2)
        if test_index_elec.size != 0:
            for i in range(len(test_index_elec[0, :])):
                self.exec_logger.error(f'An electrode index at line {str(test_index_elec[0, i] + 1)} '
                                       f'exceeds the maximum number of electrodes')
            # sys.exit(1)
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            sequence = None
        elif len(test_same_elec) != 0:
            for i in range(len(test_same_elec)):
                self.exec_logger.error(f'An electrode index A == B detected at line {str(test_same_elec[i] + 1)}')
            # sys.exit(1)
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            sequence = None
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        if sequence is not None:
            self.exec_logger.info('Sequence of {:d} quadrupoles read.'.format(sequence.shape[0]))
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        self.sequence = sequence
    def switch_mux(self, electrode_nr, state, role):
        """Select the right channel for the multiplexer cascade for a given electrode.
        electrode_nr : int
            Electrode index to be switched on or off.
        state : str
            Either 'on' or 'off'.
        role : str
            Either 'A', 'B', 'M' or 'N', so we can assign it to a MUX board.
        if self.sequence.max() <= 4:  # only 4 electrodes so no MUX
            # choose with MUX board
            tca = adafruit_tca9548a.TCA9548A(self.i2c, self.board_address[role])

            # find I2C address of the electrode and corresponding relay
            # considering that one MCP23017 can cover 16 electrodes
            electrode_nr = electrode_nr - 1  # switch to 0 indexing
            i2c_address = 7 - electrode_nr // 16  # quotient without rest of the division
            relay_nr = electrode_nr - (electrode_nr // 16) * 16
            relay_nr = relay_nr + 1  # switch back to 1 based indexing

            if i2c_address is not None:
                # select the MCP23017 of the selected MUX board
                mcp2 = MCP23017(tca[i2c_address])
                mcp2.get_pin(relay_nr - 1).direction = digitalio.Direction.OUTPUT

                if state == 'on':
                    mcp2.get_pin(relay_nr - 1).value = True
                    mcp2.get_pin(relay_nr - 1).value = False

                self.exec_logger.debug(f'Switching relay {relay_nr} {state} for electrode {electrode_nr}')
                self.exec_logger.warning(f'Unable to address electrode nr {electrode_nr}')

    def switch_mux_on(self, quadrupole):
        """ Switch on multiplexer relays for given quadrupole.
        quadrupole : list of 4 int
            List of 4 integers representing the electrode numbers.
        roles = ['A', 'B', 'M', 'N']
        # another check to be sure A != B
        if quadrupole[0] != quadrupole[1]:
            for i in range(0, 4):
                if quadrupole[i] > 0:
                    self.switch_mux(quadrupole[i], 'on', roles[i])
            self.exec_logger.error('A == B -> short circuit risk detected!')

    def switch_mux_off(self, quadrupole):
        """ Switch off multiplexer relays for given quadrupole.
        quadrupole : list of 4 int
            List of 4 integers representing the electrode numbers.
        roles = ['A', 'B', 'M', 'N']
        for i in range(0, 4):
            if quadrupole[i] > 0:
                self.switch_mux(quadrupole[i], 'off', roles[i])
    def reset_mux(self):
        """Switch off all multiplexer relays."""
        roles = ['A', 'B', 'M', 'N']
        for i in range(0, 4):
            for j in range(1, self.max_elec + 1):
                self.switch_mux(j, 'off', roles[i])
        self.exec_logger.debug('All MUX switched off.')

    def gain_auto(self, channel):
        """ Automatically set the gain on a channel


        gain = 2 / 3
        if (abs(channel.voltage) < 2.040) and (abs(channel.voltage) >= 1.023):
            gain = 2
        elif (abs(channel.voltage) < 1.023) and (abs(channel.voltage) >= 0.508):
            gain = 4
        elif (abs(channel.voltage) < 0.508) and (abs(channel.voltage) >= 0.250):
            gain = 8
        elif abs(channel.voltage) < 0.256:
            gain = 16
        self.exec_logger.debug(f'Setting gain to {gain}')
        return gain
    def compute_tx_volt(self, best_tx_injtime=0.1, strategy='vmax', tx_volt=5):
        """Estimating best Tx voltage based on different strategy.
        At first a half-cycle is made for a short duration with a fixed
        known voltage. This gives us Iab and Rab. We also measure Vmn.
        A constant c = vmn/iab is computed (only depends on geometric
        factor and ground resistivity, that doesn't change during a 
        quadrupole). Then depending on the strategy, we compute which
        vab to inject to reach the minimum/maximum Iab current or 
        min/max Vmn.
        This function also compute the polarity on Vmn (on which pin
        of the ADS1115 we need to measure Vmn to get the positive value).
        best_tx_injtime : float, optional
            Time in milliseconds for the half-cycle used to compute Rab.
        strategy : str, optional
            - vmin : compute Vab to reach a minimum Iab and Vmn
            - vmax : compute Vab to reach a maximum Iab and Vmn
            - constant : apply given Vab
        tx_volt : float, optional
            Voltage apply to try to guess the best voltage. 5 V applied 
            by default. If strategy "constant" is chosen, constant voltage
            to applied is "tx_volt".
        vab : float
            Proposed Vab according to the given strategy.
        polarity : int
            Either 1 or -1 to know on which pin of the ADS the Vmn is measured.
        # hardware limits
        voltage_min = 10  # mV
        voltage_max = 4500
        current_min = voltage_min / (self.r_shunt * 50)  # mA
        current_max = voltage_max / (self.r_shunt * 50)
        tx_max = 40  # volt
        # check of volt
        volt = tx_volt
        if volt > tx_max:
            print('sorry, cannot inject more than 40 V, set it back to 5 V')
            volt = 5
        # redefined the pin of the mcp (needed when relays are connected)
        self.pin0 = self.mcp.get_pin(0)
        self.pin0.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
        self.pin0.value = False
        self.pin1 = self.mcp.get_pin(1)
        self.pin1.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
        self.pin1.value = False
        # select a polarity to start with
        self.pin0.value = True
        self.pin1.value = False
        # set voltage for test
        self.DPS.write_register(0x0000, volt, 2) 
        self.DPS.write_register(0x09, 1) # DPS5005 on
        time.sleep(best_tx_injtime) # inject for given tx time
        # autogain
        self.ads_current = ads.ADS1115(self.i2c, gain=2/3, data_rate=860, address=self.ads_current_address)
        self.ads_voltage = ads.ADS1115(self.i2c, gain=2/3, data_rate=860, address=self.ads_voltage_address)
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        #print('current P0', AnalogIn(self.ads_current, ads.P0).voltage)
        #print('voltage P0', AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P0).voltage)
        #print('voltage P2', AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P2).voltage)
        gain_current = self.gain_auto(AnalogIn(self.ads_current, ads.P0))
        gain_voltage0 = self.gain_auto(AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P0))
        gain_voltage2 = self.gain_auto(AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P2))
        gain_voltage = np.min([gain_voltage0, gain_voltage2])
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        #print('gain current: {:.3f}, gain voltage: {:.3f}'.format(gain_current, gain_voltage))
        self.ads_current = ads.ADS1115(self.i2c, gain=gain_current, data_rate=860, address=self.ads_current_address)
        self.ads_voltage = ads.ADS1115(self.i2c, gain=gain_voltage, data_rate=860, address=self.ads_voltage_address)
        # we measure the voltage on both A0 and A2 to guess the polarity
        I = (AnalogIn(self.ads_current, ads.P0).voltage) * 1000/50/self.r_shunt # measure current
        U0 = AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P0).voltage * 1000 # measure voltage
        U2 = AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P2).voltage * 1000
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        #print('I (mV)', I*50*self.r_shunt)
        #print('I (mA)', I)
        #print('U0 (mV)', U0)
        #print('U2 (mV)', U2)
        # check polarity
        polarity = 1  # by default, we guessed it right
        vmn = U0
        if U0 < 0: # we guessed it wrong, let's use a correction factor
            polarity = -1
            vmn = U2
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        #print('polarity', polarity)
        # compute constant
        c = vmn / I
        Rab = (volt * 1000) / I
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        self.exec_logger.debug('Rab = {:.2f} Ohms'.format(Rab))

        # implement different strategy
        if strategy == 'vmax':
            vmn_max = c * current_max
            if vmn_max < voltage_max and vmn_max > voltage_min:
                vab = current_max * Rab
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                self.exec_logger.debug('target max current')
                iab = voltage_max / c
                vab = iab * Rab
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                self.exec_logger.debug('target max voltage')
            if vab > 25000:
                vab = 25000
            vab = vab / 1000 * 0.9
        elif strategy == 'vmin':
            vmn_min = c * current_min
            if vmn_min > voltage_min and vmn_min < voltage_max:
                vab = current_min * Rab
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                self.exec_logger.debug('target min current')
                iab = voltage_min / c
                vab = iab * Rab
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                self.exec_logger.debug('target min voltage')
            if vab < 1000:
                vab = 1000
            vab = vab / 1000 * 1.1
        elif strategy == 'constant':
            vab = volt
            vab = 5
        #self.DPS.write_register(0x09, 0) # DPS5005 off
        self.pin0.value = False
        self.pin1.value = False
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        return vab, polarity
    def run_measurement(self, quad=[1, 2, 3, 4], nb_stack=None, injection_duration=None,
                        autogain=True, strategy='constant', tx_volt=5, best_tx_injtime=0.1):
        """Do a 4 electrode measurement and measure transfer resistance obtained.
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        quad : iterable (list of int)
            Quadrupole to measure, just for labelling. Only switch_mux_on/off
            really create the route to the electrodes.
            Number of stacks. A stacl is considered two half-cycles (one
            positive, one negative).
        injection_duration : int, optional
            Injection time in seconds.
        autogain : bool, optional
            If True, will adapt the gain of the ADS1115 to maximize the
            resolution of the reading.
        strategy : str, optional
            (V3.0 only) If we search for best voltage (tx_volt == 0), we can choose
            different strategy:
            - vmin: find lowest voltage that gives us a signal
            - vmax: find max voltage that are in the range
            For a constant value, just set the tx_volt.
        tx_volt : float, optional
            (V3.0 only) If specified, voltage will be imposed. If 0, we will look 
            for the best voltage. If a best Tx cannot be found, no
            measurement will be taken and values will be NaN.
        best_tx_injtime : float, optional
            (V3.0 only) Injection time in seconds used for finding the best voltage.
        self.exec_logger.debug('Starting measurement')
        self.exec_logger.info('Waiting for data')
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        if self.on_pi:
            # check arguments
            if nb_stack is None:
                nb_stack = self.settings['nb_stack']
            if injection_duration is None:
                injection_duration = self.settings['injection_duration']
            tx_volt = float(tx_volt)

            # inner variable initialization
            sum_i = 0
            sum_vmn = 0
            sum_ps = 0

            # let's define the pin again as if we run through measure()
            # as it's run in another thread, it doesn't consider these
            # and this can lead to short circuit!
            self.pin0 = self.mcp.get_pin(0)
            self.pin0.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
            self.pin0.value = False
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            self.pin1 = self.mcp.get_pin(1)
            self.pin1.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
            self.pin1.value = False
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            # get best voltage to inject AND polarity
            if self.idps:
                tx_volt, polarity = self.compute_tx_volt(
                    best_tx_injtime=best_tx_injtime, strategy=strategy, tx_volt=tx_volt)
                self.exec_logger.debug('Best vab found is {:.3}V'.format(tx_volt))
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                polarity = 1
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            # first reset the gain to 2/3 before trying to find best gain (mode 0 is continuous)
            self.ads_current = ads.ADS1115(self.i2c, gain=2 / 3, data_rate=860, address=self.ads_current_address, mode=0)
            self.ads_voltage = ads.ADS1115(self.i2c, gain=2 / 3, data_rate=860, address=self.ads_voltage_address, mode=0)
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            # turn on the power supply
            oor = False
            if self.idps:
                if np.isnan(tx_volt) == False:
                    self.DPS.write_register(0x0000, tx_volt, 2) # set tx voltage in V
                    self.DPS.write_register(0x09, 1) # DPS5005 on
                    self.exec_logger.debug('No best voltage found, will not take measurement')
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                    oor = True
            if oor == False:  # we found a vab in the range so we measure
                if autogain:
                    # compute autogain
                    self.pin0.value = True
                    self.pin1.value = False
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                    gain_current = self.gain_auto(AnalogIn(self.ads_current, ads.P0))
                    if polarity > 0:
                        gain_voltage = self.gain_auto(AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P0))
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                        gain_voltage = self.gain_auto(AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P2))
                    self.pin0.value = False
                    self.pin1.value = False
                    self.exec_logger.debug('Gain current: {:.3f}, gain voltage: {:.3f}'.format(gain_current, gain_voltage))
                    self.ads_current = ads.ADS1115(self.i2c, gain=gain_current, data_rate=860, address=self.ads_current_address, mode=0)
                    self.ads_voltage = ads.ADS1115(self.i2c, gain=gain_voltage, data_rate=860, address=self.ads_voltage_address, mode=0)
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                self.pin0.value = False
                self.pin1.value = False
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                # one stack = 2 half-cycles (one positive, one negative)
                pinMN = 0 if polarity > 0 else 2
                # sampling for each stack at the end of the injection
                sampling_interval = 10  # ms
                self.nb_samples = int(injection_duration * 1000 // sampling_interval) + 1
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                # full data for waveform
                fulldata = []
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                #  we sample every 10 ms (as using AnalogIn for both current
                # and voltage takes about 7 ms). When we go over the injection
                # duration, we break the loop and truncate the meas arrays
                # only the last values in meas will be taken into account
                start_time = time.time()  # start counter
                for n in range(0, nb_stack * 2):  # for each half-cycles
                    # current injection
                    if (n % 2) == 0:
                        self.pin0.value = True
                        self.pin1.value = False
                        self.pin0.value = False
                        self.pin1.value = True  # current injection nr2
                    self.exec_logger.debug(str(n) + ' ' + str(self.pin0.value) + ' ' + str(self.pin1.value))
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                    # measurement of current i and voltage u during injection
                    meas = np.zeros((self.nb_samples, 3)) * np.nan
                    start_delay = time.time()  # stating measurement time
                    dt = 0
                    for k in range(0, self.nb_samples):
                        # reading current value on ADS channels
                        meas[k, 0] = (AnalogIn(self.ads_current, ads.P0).voltage * 1000) / (50 * self.r_shunt)
                        if self.board_version == '22.11':
                            if pinMN == 0:
                                meas[k, 1] = AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P0).voltage * 1000
                                meas[k, 1] = AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P2).voltage * 1000 *-1
                        elif self.board_version == '22.10':
                            meas[k, 1] = -AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P0, ads.P1).voltage * self.coef_p2 * 1000
                        #   self.exec_logger.debug('Unknown board')
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                        time.sleep(sampling_interval / 1000)
                        dt = time.time() - start_delay  # real injection time (s)
                        meas[k, 2] = time.time() - start_time
                        if dt > (injection_duration - 0 * sampling_interval /1000):
                    # stop current injection
                    self.pin0.value = False
                    self.pin1.value = False
                    end_delay = time.time()

                    # truncate the meas array if we didn't fill the last samples
                    meas = meas[:k+1]
                    # measurement of current i and voltage u during off time
                    measpp = np.zeros((meas.shape[0], 3)) * np.nan
                    start_delay = time.time()  # stating measurement time
                    dt = 0
                    for k in range(0, measpp.shape[0]):
                        # reading current value on ADS channels
                        measpp[k, 0] = (AnalogIn(self.ads_current, ads.P0).voltage * 1000) / (50 * self.r_shunt)
                        if self.board_version == '22.11':
                            if pinMN == 0:
                                measpp[k, 1] = AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P0).voltage * 1000
                                measpp[k, 1] = AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P2).voltage * 1000 *-1
                        elif self.board_version == '22.10':
                            measpp[k, 1] = -AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P0, ads.P1).voltage * self.coef_p2 * 1000
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                            self.exec_logger.debug('unknown board')
                        time.sleep(sampling_interval / 1000)
                        dt = time.time() - start_delay  # real injection time (s)
                        measpp[k, 2] = time.time() - start_time
                        if dt > (injection_duration - 0 * sampling_interval /1000):
                    end_delay = time.time()
                    # truncate the meas array if we didn't fill the last samples
                    measpp = measpp[:k+1]
                    # we alternate on which ADS1115 pin we measure because of sign of voltage
                    if pinMN == 0:
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                        pinMN = 2
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                        pinMN = 0
                    # store data for full wave form
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                # TODO get battery voltage and warn if battery is running low
                # TODO send a message on SOH stating the battery level
                # let's do some calculation (out of the stacking loop)
                for n, meas in enumerate(fulldata[::2]):
                    # take average from the samples per stack, then sum them all
                    # average for the last third of the stacked values
                    #  is done outside the loop
                    sum_i = sum_i + (np.mean(meas[-int(meas.shape[0]//3):, 0]))
                    vmn1 = np.mean(meas[-int(meas.shape[0]//3), 1])
                    if (n % 2) == 0:
                        sum_vmn = sum_vmn - vmn1
                        sum_ps = sum_ps + vmn1
                        sum_vmn = sum_vmn + vmn1
                        sum_ps = sum_ps + vmn1

                sum_i = np.nan
                sum_vmn = np.nan
                sum_ps = np.nan
            if self.idps:
                self.DPS.write_register(0x0000, 0, 2)  # reset to 0 volt
                self.DPS.write_register(0x09, 0) # DPS5005 off
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            # reshape full data to an array of good size
            # we need an array of regular size to save in the csv
            if oor == False:
                fulldata = np.vstack(fulldata)
                # we create a big enough array given nb_samples, number of
                # half-cycles (1 stack = 2 half-cycles), and twice as we 
                # measure decay as well
                a = np.zeros((nb_stack * self.nb_samples * 2 * 2, 3)) * np.nan
                a[:fulldata.shape[0], :] = fulldata
                fulldata = a

            # create a dictionary and compute averaged values from all stacks
            d = {
                "time": datetime.now().isoformat(),
                "A": quad[0],
                "B": quad[1],
                "M": quad[2],
                "N": quad[3],
                "inj time [ms]": (end_delay - start_delay) * 1000 if oor == False else 0,
                "Vmn [mV]": sum_vmn / (2 * nb_stack),
                "I [mA]": sum_i / (2 * nb_stack),
                "R [ohm]": sum_vmn / sum_i,
                "Ps [mV]": sum_ps / (2 * nb_stack),
                "nbStack": nb_stack,
                "Tx [V]": tx_volt if oor == False else 0,
                "CPU temp [degC]": CPUTemperature().temperature,
                "Nb samples [-]": self.nb_samples,
                "fulldata": fulldata,
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        else:  # for testing, generate random data
            d = {'time': datetime.now().isoformat(), 'A': quad[0], 'B': quad[1], 'M': quad[2], 'N': quad[3],
                 'R [ohm]': np.abs(np.random.randn(1)).tolist()}

        # round number to two decimal for nicer string output
        output = [f'{k}\t' for k in d.keys()]
        output = str(output)[:-1] + '\n'
        for k in d.keys():
            if isinstance(d[k], float):
                val = np.round(d[k], 2)
                val = d[k]
                output += f'{val}\t'
        output = output[:-1]
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        # to the data logger
        dd = d.copy()
        dd.pop('fulldata')  # too much for logger
        dd.update({'A': str(dd['A'])})
        dd.update({'B': str(dd['B'])})
        dd.update({'M': str(dd['M'])})
        dd.update({'N': str(dd['N'])})

    def rs_check(self, tx_volt=12):
        """ Check contact resistance.
        # create custom sequence where MN == AB
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        # we only check the electrodes which are in the sequence (not all might be connected)
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        elec = np.sort(np.unique(self.sequence.flatten()))  # assumed order
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        if self.idps:
            quads[:, 2:] = 0  # we don't open Vmn to prevent burning the MN part
            # as it has a smaller range of accepted voltage
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        # create filename to store RS
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        export_path_rs = self.settings['export_path'].replace('.csv', '') \
                         + '_' + datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%dT%H%M%S') + '_rs.csv'
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        # perform RS check
        self.run = True
        self.status = 'running'
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        if self.on_pi:
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            # make sure all mux are off to start with

            # measure all quad of the RS sequence
            for i in range(0, quads.shape[0]):
                quad = quads[i, :]  # quadrupole
                self.switch_mux_on(quad)  # put before raising the pins (otherwise conflict i2c)
                d = self.run_measurement(quad=quad, nb_stack=1, injection_duration=1, tx_volt=tx_volt, autogain=False)
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                if self.idps:
                    voltage = tx_volt  # imposed voltage on dps5005
                    voltage = d['Vmn [mV]']
                current = d['I [mA]']
                # compute resistance measured (= contact resistance)
                resist = abs(voltage / current) / 1000
                print(str(quad) + '> I: {:>10.3f} mA, V: {:>10.3f} mV, R: {:>10.3f} kOhm'.format(
                    current, voltage, resist))
                msg = f'Contact resistance {str(quad):s}: I: {current * 1000.:>10.3f} mA, ' \
                          f'V: {voltage * 1000.:>10.3f} mV, ' \
                          f'R: {resistance /1000.:>10.3f} kOhm'

                # if contact resistance = 0 -> we have a short circuit!!
                if resist < 1e-5:
                    msg = '!!!SHORT CIRCUIT!!! {:s}: {:.3f} kOhm'.format(
                        str(quad), resist)
                # save data and print in a text file
                self.append_and_save(export_path_rs, {
                    'A': quad[0],
                    'B': quad[1],
                    'RS [kOhm]': resist,
                # close mux path and put pin back to GND

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        self.status = 'idle'
        self.run = False

    #         # TODO if interrupted, we would need to restore the values
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    #         # TODO or we offer the possibility in 'run_measurement' to have rs_check each time?
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    def append_and_save(filename, last_measurement):
        """Append and save last measurement dataframe.

        filename : str
            filename to save the last measurement dataframe
        last_measurement : dict
            Last measurement taken in the form of a python dictionary
        last_measurement = deepcopy(last_measurement)
        if 'fulldata' in last_measurement:
            d = last_measurement['fulldata']
            n = d.shape[0]
            if n > 1:
                idic = dict(zip(['i' + str(i) for i in range(n)], d[:,0]))
                udic = dict(zip(['u' + str(i) for i in range(n)], d[:,1]))
                tdic = dict(zip(['t' + str(i) for i in range(n)], d[:,2]))

        if os.path.isfile(filename):
            # Load data file and append data to it
            with open(filename, 'a') as f:
                w = csv.DictWriter(f, last_measurement.keys())
                # last_measurement.to_csv(f, header=False)
            # create data file and add headers
            with open(filename, 'a') as f:
                w = csv.DictWriter(f, last_measurement.keys())
                # last_measurement.to_csv(f, header=True)

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    def process_commands(self):
        context = zmq.Context()
        tcp_port = CONTROL_CONFIG["tcp_port"]
        socket = context.socket(zmq.REP)

        print(colored(f'Listening to commands on tcp port {tcp_port}.'
                      f' Make sure your client interface is running and bound to this port...', 'blue'))
        self.exec_logger.debug(f'Start listening for commands on port {tcp_port}')
        while self.cmd_listen:
                message = socket.recv() # flags=zmq.NOBLOCK)
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                self.exec_logger.debug(f'Received command: {message}')
                e = None
                    cmd_id = None
                    decoded_message = json.loads(message.decode('utf-8'))
                    cmd_id = decoded_message.pop('cmd_id', None)
                    cmd = decoded_message.pop('cmd', None)
                    args = decoded_message.pop('args', None)
                    status = False
                    e = None
                    if cmd is not None and cmd_id is not None:
                        if cmd == 'update_settings' and args is not None:
                            status = True
                        elif cmd == 'set_sequence' and args is not None:
                            self.sequence = np.array_str
                            status = True
                        elif cmd == 'start':
                            while not self.status == 'idle':
                            status = True
                        elif cmd == 'stop':
                            status = True
                        elif cmd == 'read_sequence':
                                status = True
                            except Exception as e:
                                self.exec_logger.warning(f'Unable to read sequence: {e}')
                        elif cmd == 'set_sequence':
                                self.sequence = np.array(args)
                                status = True
                            except Exception as e:
                                self.exec_logger.warning(f'Unable to set sequence: {e}')
                        elif cmd == 'rs_check':
                                status = True
                            except Exception as e:
                                print('error====', e)
                                self.exec_logger.warning(f'Unable to run rs-check: {e}')
                            self.exec_logger.warning(f'Unknown command {cmd} - cmd_id: {cmd_id}')
                except Exception as e: