

Commits (43)
Showing with 472 additions and 142 deletions
+472 -142
......@@ -11,3 +11,4 @@
......@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ stages:
tags: [docker]
image: rocker/verse:latest
image: rocker/verse:devel
......@@ -51,6 +51,8 @@ website:
- tags
- R -e 'install.packages("pkgdown")'
- sed -i 's/`function`/function/g' man/CreateRunOptions.Rd
- sed -i 's/`function`/function/g' man/CreateCalibOptions.Rd
- R -e 'remotes::install_gitlab("in-wop/seinebasin", host = "")'
- R -e 'pkgdown::build_site()'
- sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y sshpass rsync
Package: airGRiwrm
Title: 'airGR' Integrated Water Resource Management
Authors@R: c(
person("David", "Dorchies", role = c("aut", "cre"), comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0002-6595-7984"), email = ""),
person("Olivier", "Delaigue", role = c("ctb"), comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0002-7668-8468"), email = ""),
......@@ -11,13 +11,12 @@ License: AGPL-3
Encoding: UTF-8
LazyData: true
Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE)
RoxygenNote: 7.1.1
RoxygenNote: 7.1.2
airGR (>=
......@@ -29,6 +28,7 @@ VignetteBuilder: knitr
R (>= 2.10)
R (>= 2.10),
airGR (>=
......@@ -5,14 +5,18 @@ S3method(Calibration,InputsModel)
......@@ -31,6 +35,9 @@ export(CreateInputsModel)
airGRiwrm v0.5.9002 (in development)
* Simplify the use of airGR in airGRiwrm #63
airGRiwrm v0.5.9001 (Expiration date: 2021-12-12)
New features:
* Regularisation: Add default value for parameter Celerity #58
* [CreateInputsModel] Make `Qobs` parameter optional #60
Bug fixes:
* Breaking change in airGR in issue HYCAR-Hydro/airgr#137 #62
* Review documentation for publication on CRAN #43
airGRiwrm v0.5.9000 (Expiration date: 2021-10-26)
New features:
* Add network consistency checks in `GRiwrm` #36
* Handle CemaNeige compatibility #52
* Use S3 plot method for GRiwrmOutputsModel class objects #26
* Handling correctly initial conditions #48
* Calibration with parameter regularisation #54
* airGR compatibility: change on LengthHydro unit #32
* CreateInputsCrit: Change obs parameter characteristics #38
* Update URLs in the DESCRIPTION file #45
* Use S3 plot method for GRiwrm class objects #26
* Rename function GRiwrm to CreateGRiwrm #46
* CreateInputsCrit: transfo is mandatory for parameter regularisation #56
Bug fixes:
* Vignettes: working directory instability #35
* airGR compatibility: debugged version of RunModel_Lag #33
* CreateInputsModel: Error when using data.frame for Qobs #37
* `RunModel.Supervisor`: Error in ctrlr$U[$ts.index)), i] #39
* Supervisor: measurement on network downstream node returns `NULL` #40
* RunModel: Suspected bug on `OutputsModel$Qsim` in the training example #41
* Test fail after airGR update on outputing warm-up Qsim #50
* Wrong Qobs use in Lavenne function criteria #57
Internal changes:
* Push roxygen outputs on the repository #34
* Generation of the site documentation #44
* Automatically update website from package repository #47
airGRiwrm v0.5.0 (Release date: 2021-03-07)
New features:
* Feedback control #19
* RunModel of GRiwrm networks: add a data.frame of simulated flows in OutputsModel #30
* Plot simulated flows of all the nodes in m3/s #31
* RunModel: Uncoupling of hydrological and hydraulic models #28
airGRiwrm v0.4.0 (Release date: 2020-12-28)
New features:
* Convert basin meteorological data to sub-basin level #21
* Clarify dependency with 'DiagrammeR' package #24
Minor changes:
* Replace vignette examples on Seine River by a fake example from data provided by airGR #13
Bug fixes:
* Impossibility to inject flow associated to an area #23
* Error in the area used for the sub basins #22
airGRiwrm v0.3.1 (Release date: 2020-08-07)
New features:
* Calibration of influenced semi-distributed model #11
airGRiwrm v0.3.0 (Release date: 2020-08-07)
New features:
* Add node of type "direct flow" in order to inject or withdraw flows into the model #5
airGRiwrm v0.2.1 (Release date: 2020-06-11)
* Remove Gits class object and use CreateInputsModel directly #7
* Remove Girop class object and integrate hydrological model and area in Ginet #9
* Rename "Ginet" class object to "Griwrm" #10
airGRiwrm v0.2.0 (Release date: 2020-06-06)
New features:
* Calibration of semi-distributed model #3
airGRiwrm v0.1.0 (Release date: 2020-05-25)
New features:
* Database structuration #1
* Scheduling airGR model runs #2
......@@ -8,24 +8,47 @@ Calibration.GRiwrmInputsModel <- function(InputsModel,
useUpstreamQsim = TRUE,
...) {
# Argument checks
# We invoke the mandatory arguments here for avoiding
# a messy error message on "get(x)" if an argument is missing
# Checking argument classes
vars2check <- c("InputsModel", "RunOptions", "InputsCrit", "CalibOptions")
lapply(vars2check, function(x) {
if (!inherits(get(x), paste0("GRiwrm", x))) {
stop(sprintf("'%1$s' must be of class GRiwrm%1$s, type '?Create%1$s' for help", x))
OutputsCalib <- list()
class(OutputsCalib) <- append(class(OutputsCalib), "GRiwrmOutputsCalib")
class(OutputsCalib) <- append("GRiwrmOutputsCalib", class(OutputsCalib))
OutputsModel <- list()
class(OutputsModel) <- append(class(OutputsModel), "GRiwrmOutputsModel")
class(OutputsModel) <- append("GRiwrmOutputsModel", class(OutputsModel))
for(IM in InputsModel) {
message("Calibration.GRiwrmInputsModel: Treating sub-basin ", IM$id, "...")
if(useUpstreamQsim && any(IM$UpstreamIsRunoff)) {
# Update InputsModel$Qupstream with simulated upstream flows
IM <- UpdateQsimUpstream(IM, RunOptions[[IM$id]]$IndPeriod_Run, OutputsModel)
IM <- UpdateQsimUpstream(IM, RunOptions[[IM$id]], OutputsModel)
if (inherits(InputsCrit[[IM$id]], "InputsCritLavenneFunction")) {
IC <- getInputsCrit_Lavenne(IM$id, OutputsModel, InputsCrit)
} else {
IC <- InputsCrit[[IM$id]]
OutputsCalib[[IM$id]] <- Calibration(
InputsModel = IM,
RunOptions = RunOptions[[IM$id]],
InputsCrit = InputsCrit[[IM$id]],
InputsCrit = IC,
CalibOptions = CalibOptions[[IM$id]],
......@@ -44,3 +67,32 @@ Calibration.GRiwrmInputsModel <- function(InputsModel,
#' Create InputsCrit for De Lavenne regularisation
#' Internal function that run [airGR::CreateInputsCrit_Lavenne] on-the-fly with a priori upstream
#' sub-catchment parameters grabbed during network calibration process.
#' @param id [character] the id of the current sub-catchment
#' @param OutputsModel \[GRiwrmOutputsModel\] object with simulation results of upstream sub-catchments run with calibrated parameters
#' @param InputsCrit \[InputsCritLavenneFunction\] object internally created by [CreateInputsCrit.GRiwrmInputsModel]
#' @return \[InputsCrit\] object with De Lavenne regularisation
#' @import airGR
#' @noRd
getInputsCrit_Lavenne <- function(id, OutputsModel, InputsCrit) {
if (!inherits(InputsCrit[[id]], "InputsCritLavenneFunction")) {
stop("'InputsCrit[[id]]' must be of class InputsCritLavenneFunction")
AprioriId <- attr(InputsCrit[[id]], "AprioriId")
AprCelerity <- attr(InputsCrit[[id]], "AprCelerity")
Lavenne_FUN <- attr(InputsCrit[[id]], "Lavenne_FUN")
AprParamR <- OutputsModel[[AprioriId]]$RunOptions$Param
if(!inherits(OutputsModel[[AprioriId]], "SD")) {
# Add default velocity parameter for a priori upstream catchment
AprParamR <- c(AprCelerity, AprParamR)
AprCrit <- ErrorCrit(InputsCrit[[AprioriId]], OutputsModel[[AprioriId]])$CritValue
return(Lavenne_FUN(AprParamR, AprCrit))
#' @rdname Calibration
#' @export
Calibration.InputsModel <- function(InputsModel, ...) {
airGR::Calibration(InputsModel, FUN_MOD = InputsModel$FUN_MOD, ...)
if (!exists("FUN_MOD") && !is.null(InputsModel$FUN_MOD)) {
airGR::Calibration(InputsModel, FUN_MOD = InputsModel$FUN_MOD, ...)
} else {
airGR::Calibration(InputsModel, ...)
......@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
#' @return Depending on the class of `InputsModel` argument (respectively `InputsModel` and `GRiwrmInputsModel` object), the returned value is respectively:
#' - a `InputsCrit` object (See [airGR::CreateInputsCrit])
#' - a `GRiwrmInputsCrit` object which is a [list] of `InputsCrit` object with one item per modelled sub-catchment
#' - a `GRiwrmInputsCrit` object which is a [list] of `InputsCrit` objects with one item per modelled sub-catchment
#' @rdname Calibration
#' @export
#' @rdname CreateCalibOptions
#' @export
CreateCalibOptions.GRiwrmInputsModel <- function(InputsModel, ...) {
CreateCalibOptions.GRiwrmInputsModel <- function(x, ...) {
CalibOptions <- list()
class(CalibOptions) <- c("GRiwrmCalibOptions", class(CalibOptions))
for(IM in InputsModel) {
CalibOptions[[IM$id]] <- CreateCalibOptions.InputsModel(
InputsModel = IM,
for(IM in x) {
CalibOptions[[IM$id]] <- CreateCalibOptions(
#' @rdname CreateCalibOptions
#' @export
CreateCalibOptions.InputsModel <- function(InputsModel,
...) {
FUN_MOD = InputsModel$FUN_MOD,
IsSD = !is.null(InputsModel$Qupstream),
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
#' This function can be used either for a catchment (with an \emph{InputsModel} object) or for a network (with a \emph{GRiwrmInputsModel} object)
#' @param InputsModel object of class \emph{InputsModel} or \emph{GRiwrmInputsModel}. See [CreateInputsModel] for details
#' @template param_x
#' @param ... arguments passed to [airGR::CreateCalibOptions], see details
#' @details See [airGR::CreateCalibOptions] documentation for a complete list of arguments.
......@@ -15,6 +15,43 @@
#' @rdname CreateCalibOptions
#' @export
CreateCalibOptions <- function(InputsModel, ...) {
UseMethod("CreateCalibOptions", InputsModel)
CreateCalibOptions <- function(x, ...) {
UseMethod("CreateCalibOptions", x)
#' @rdname CreateCalibOptions
#' @export
CreateCalibOptions.InputsModel <- function(x,
...) {
if (!exists("FUN_MOD") && !is.null(x$FUN_MOD)) {
IsSD = !is.null(x$Qupstream),
} else {
#' @rdname CreateCalibOptions
#' @export
CreateCalibOptions.character <- function(x,
...) {
FUN_MOD = x,
#' @rdname CreateCalibOptions
#' @export
CreateCalibOptions.function <- function(x,
...) {
FUN_MOD = x,
......@@ -21,28 +21,7 @@
#' @aliases GRiwrm
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ###################################################################
#' # Run the `airGR::RunModel_Lag` example in the GRiwrm fashion way #
#' ###################################################################
#' # Run the airGR RunModel_Lag example for harvesting the necessary data
#' library(airGR)
#' example(RunModel_Lag)
#' # detach the package because otherwise airGR overwrites the airGRiwrm functions
#' detach("package:airGR")
#' # This example is a network of 2 nodes which can be described like this:
#' db <- data.frame(id = c("Reservoir", "GaugingDown"),
#' length = c(LengthHydro, NA),
#' down = c("GaugingDown", NA),
#' area = c(NA, BasinInfo$BasinArea),
#' model = c(NA, "RunModel_GR4J"),
#' stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' # Create GRiwrm object from the data.frame
#' griwrm <- CreateGRiwrm(db)
#' str(griwrm)
#' @inherit RunModel.GRiwrmInputsModel return examples
CreateGRiwrm <- function(db,
cols = list(
#' @rdname CreateInputsCrit
#' @import airGR
#' @export
CreateInputsCrit.GRiwrmInputsModel <- function(InputsModel,
FUN_CRIT = airGR::ErrorCrit_NSE,
FUN_CRIT = ErrorCrit_NSE,
AprioriIds = NULL,
k = 0.15,
AprCelerity = 1,
...) {
# Parameter checks
# We invoke the mandatory arguments here for avoiding
# a messy error message on "get(x)" if an argument is missing
# We also list all arguments in order to check arguments even in "..."
arguments <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
# Checking argument classes
lVars2Check <- list(InputsModel = "GRiwrmInputsModel",
RunOptions = "GRiwrmRunOptions",
Obs = c("matrix", "data.frame"))
lapply(names(lVars2Check), function(argName) {
b <- sapply(lVars2Check[[argName]], function(argClass) {
!inherits(get(argName), argClass)
if (all(b)) {
stop(sprintf("'%s' must be of class %s", argName, paste(lVars2Check[[argName]], collapse = " or ")))
if (!is.null(AprioriIds)) {
AprioriIds <- unlist(AprioriIds)
if (!is.character(AprioriIds) || is.null(names(AprioriIds))) {
stop("Argument 'AprioriIds' must be a named list or a named vector of characters")
if (length(unique(names(AprioriIds))) != length(names(AprioriIds))) {
stop("Each name of AprioriIds items must be unique: duplicate entry detected")
if ("Weights" %in% names(arguments)) {
stop("Argument 'Weights' cannot be used when using Lavenne criterion")
if (!"transfo" %in% names(arguments)) {
stop("Argument 'transfo' must be defined when using Lavenne criterion (Using \"sqrt\" is recommended)")
lapply(names(AprioriIds), function(id) {
if (!id %in% names(InputsModel)) {
stop("'Each item of names(AprioriIds) must be an id of a simulated node:",
" the id \"", id ,"\" is unknown")
if (!AprioriIds[id] %in% names(InputsModel)) {
stop("'Each item of AprioriIds must be an id of a simulated node:",
" the id \"", id ,"\" is unknown")
if (! isNodeDownstream(InputsModel, AprioriIds[id], id)) {
stop("'AprioriIds': the node \"", AprioriIds[id],
"\" is not upstream the node \"", id,"\"")
InputsCrit <- list()
class(InputsCrit) <- append(class(InputsCrit), "GRiwrmInputsCrit")
class(InputsCrit) <- append("GRiwrmInputsCrit", class(InputsCrit))
for(IM in InputsModel) {
InputsCrit[[IM$id]] <- CreateInputsCrit.InputsModel(
......@@ -16,7 +70,49 @@ CreateInputsCrit.GRiwrmInputsModel <- function(InputsModel,
Obs = Obs[, IM$id],
if (!is.null(AprioriIds) && IM$id %in% names(AprioriIds)) {
# De Lavenne regularisation for this sub-catchment
attr(InputsCrit[[IM$id]], "Lavenne_FUN") <-
InputsModel = IM,
RunOptions = RunOptions[[IM$id]],
Obs = Obs[, IM$id],
k = k,
attr(InputsCrit[[IM$id]], "AprioriId") <- AprioriIds[IM$id]
attr(InputsCrit[[IM$id]], "AprCelerity") <- AprCelerity
class(InputsCrit[[IM$id]]) <- c("InputsCritLavenneFunction", class(InputsCrit[[IM$id]]))
#' Generate a `CreateInputsCrit_Lavenne` function which embeds know parameters
#' The created function will be used in calibration for injecting necessary `AprParamR` and `AprCrit`
#' parameters, which can be known only during calibration process, in the call of `CreateInputsCrit_Lavenne`.
#' @param InputsModel See [CreateInputsCrit] parameters
#' @param FUN_CRIT See [CreateInputsCrit] parameters
#' @param RunOptions See [CreateInputsCrit] parameters
#' @param Obs See [CreateInputsCrit] parameters
#' @param k See [CreateInputsCrit] parameters
#' @param ... further arguments for [airGR::CreateInputsCrit_Lavenne]
#' @return A function with `AprParamR` and `AprCrit`
#' @noRd
CreateLavenneFunction <- function(InputsModel, FUN_CRIT, RunOptions, Obs, k, ...) {
# The following line solve the issue #57 by forcing the evaluation of all the parameters.
# See also:
arguments <- c(as.list(environment()), list(...))
function(AprParamR, AprCrit) {
c(arguments, list(AprParamR = AprParamR, AprCrit = AprCrit))
......@@ -6,17 +6,26 @@
#' @param FUN_CRIT \[function (atomic or list)\] error criterion function (e.g. [airGR::ErrorCrit_RMSE], [airGR::ErrorCrit_NSE])
#' @param RunOptions object of class \emph{RunOptions} or \emph{GRiwrmRunOptions}, see [CreateRunOptions]
#' @param Obs [numeric], [matrix] or [data.frame] series of observed flows, see details
#' @param AprioriIds (optional) named [list] or named [vector] of [character] used for the parameter regularisation (see details)
#' @param k (optional) [numeric] weight coefficient used in the parameter regularisation (See [airGR::CreateInputsCrit_Lavenne])
#' @param AprCelerity (optional) [numeric] Default celerity used as a priori parameter for upstream catchments
#' @param ... arguments passed to [airGR::CreateInputsCrit], see details
#' @details See [airGR::CreateInputsCrit] documentation for a complete list of arguments.
#' `Obs` argument is equivalent to the same argument in [airGR::CreateInputsCrit] except that it must a [matrix] or a [data.frame] if `InputsModel` is a \emph{GRiwrmInputsModel} object. Then, each column of the [matrix] or [data.frame] represents the observations of one of the simulated node with the name of the columns representing the id of each node.
#' `Obs` argument is equivalent to the same argument in [airGR::CreateInputsCrit] except that it must be a [matrix] or a [data.frame] if `InputsModel` is a \emph{GRiwrmInputsModel} object.
#' Then, each column of the [matrix] or [data.frame] represents the observations of one of the simulated node with the name of the columns representing the id of each node.
#' With a \emph{GRiwrmInputsModel} object, all arguments are applied on each sub-catchments of the network.
#' Parameter regularisation consists of defining a priori parameters which are used in a composed criterion based on the formula proposed by Lavenne et al. (2019) (See [airGR::CreateInputsCrit_Lavenne]).
#' The parameter `AprioriIds` allows to define which upstream sub-catchment is used for providing a priori parameters. Its format is as follows: `AprioriIds <- c("Downstream sub-catchment 1" = "A priori upstream sub-catchment 1", ...)` where the quoted strings are the ids of the sub-catchments. See vignettes for more details. The parameter `AprCelerity` is a default value used as a priori for the parameter 'Celerity' in case of an upstream catchment (without celerity parameter) is used as a priori catchment.
#' @return Depending on the class of `InputsModel` argument (respectively `InputsModel` and `GRiwrmInputsModel` object), the returned value is respectively:
#' - a `InputsCrit` object (See [airGR::CreateInputsCrit])
#' - a `GRiwrmInputsCrit` object which is a [list] of `InputsCrit` object with one item per modelled sub-catchment
#' - a `GRiwrmInputsCrit` object which is a [list] of `InputsCrit` objects with one item per modelled sub-catchment
#' @references De Lavenne, A., Andréassian, V., Thirel, G., Ramos, M.-H., Perrin, C., 2019. A Regularization Approach to Improve the Sequential Calibration of a Semidistributed Hydrological Model. Water Resources Research 55, 8821–8839. \doi{10.1029/2018WR024266}
#' @rdname CreateInputsCrit
#' @export
......@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
#' @param x \[GRiwrm object\] diagram of the semi-distributed model (See [CreateGRiwrm])
#' @param DatesR [POSIXt] vector of dates
#' @param Precip [matrix] or [data.frame] frame of numeric containing precipitation in \[mm per time step\]. Column names correspond to node IDs
#' @param PotEvap [matrix] or [data.frame] frame of numeric containing potential evaporation \[mm per time step\]. Column names correspond to node IDs
#' @param Qobs [matrix] or [data.frame] frame of numeric containing observed flows in \[mm per time step\]. Column names correspond to node IDs
#' @param Precip (optional) [matrix] or [data.frame] frame of numeric containing precipitation in \[mm per time step\]. Column names correspond to node IDs
#' @param PotEvap (optional) [matrix] or [data.frame] frame of numeric containing potential evaporation \[mm per time step\]. Column names correspond to node IDs
#' @param Qobs (optional) [matrix] or [data.frame] frame of numeric containing observed flows in \[mm per time step\]. Column names correspond to node IDs
#' @param PrecipScale (optional) named [vector] of [logical] indicating if the mean of the precipitation interpolated on the elevation layers must be kept or not, required to create CemaNeige module inputs, default `TRUE` (the mean of the precipitation is kept to the original value)
#' @param TempMean (optional) [matrix] or [data.frame] of time series of mean air temperature \[°C\], required to create the CemaNeige module inputs
#' @param TempMin (optional) [matrix] or [data.frame] of time series of minimum air temperature \[°C\], possibly used to create the CemaNeige module inputs
......@@ -20,86 +20,75 @@
#' @return A \emph{GRiwrmInputsModel} object which is a list of \emph{InputsModel} objects created by [airGR::CreateInputsModel] with one item per modelled sub-catchment.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ##################################################################
#' # Run the `airGR RunModel_Lag` example in the GRiwrm fashion way #
#' ##################################################################
#' # Run the airGR RunModel_Lag example for harvesting necessary data
#' library(airGR)
#' example(RunModel_Lag)
#' # detach the package because otherwise airGR overwrites the airGRiwrm functions
#' detach("package:airGR")
#' # This example is a network of 2 nodes which can be described like this:
#' db <- data.frame(id = c("Reservoir", "GaugingDown"),
#' length = c(LengthHydro, NA),
#' down = c("GaugingDown", NA),
#' area = c(NA, BasinInfo$BasinArea),
#' model = c(NA, "RunModel_GR4J"),
#' stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#' # Create GRiwrm object from the data.frame
#' griwrm <- CreateGRiwrm(db)
#' str(griwrm)
#' # Formatting observations for the hydrological models
#' # Each input data should be a matrix or a data.frame with the correct id as the column name
#' Precip <- matrix(BasinObs$P, ncol = 1)
#' colnames(Precip) <- "GaugingDown"
#' PotEvap <- matrix(BasinObs$E, ncol = 1)
#' colnames(PotEvap) <- "GaugingDown"
#' # Observed flows are integrated now because we mix:
#' # - flows that are directly injected in the model
#' # - flows that could be used for the calibration of the hydrological models
#' Qobs = matrix(c(Qupstream, BasinObs$Qmm), ncol = 2)
#' colnames(Qobs) <- griwrm$id
#' str(Qobs)
#' InputsModels <- CreateInputsModel(griwrm,
#' DatesR = BasinObs$DatesR,
#' Precip = Precip,
#' PotEvap = PotEvap,
#' Qobs = Qobs)
#' str(InputsModels)
#' @inherit RunModel.GRiwrmInputsModel return examples
CreateInputsModel.GRiwrm <- function(x, DatesR,
Precip = NULL,
PotEvap = NULL,
Qobs = NULL,
PrecipScale = TRUE,
TempMean = NULL, TempMin = NULL,
TempMax = NULL, ZInputs = NULL,
HypsoData = NULL, NLayers = 5, ...) {
# Check and format inputs
varNames <- c("Precip", "PotEvap", "TempMean",
varNames <- c("Precip", "PotEvap", "TempMean", "Qobs",
"TempMin", "TempMax", "ZInputs", "HypsoData", "NLayers")
names(varNames) <- varNames
lapply(varNames, function(varName) {
v <- get(varName)
if(!is.null(v)) {
if(is.matrix(v) || {
if(is.null(colnames(v))) {
if (!is.null(v)) {
if (is.matrix(v) || {
if (is.null(colnames(v))) {
"'%s' must have column names",
} else if(!all(colnames(v) %in% x$id)) {
} else if (!all(colnames(v) %in% x$id)) {
"'%s' column names must be included in 'id's of the GRiwrm object",
if (!varName %in% c("ZInputs", "NLayers", "HypsoData") && nrow(v) != length(DatesR)) {
stop("'%s' number of rows and the length of 'DatesR' must be equal",
} else if (!varName %in% c("ZInputs", "NLayers")) {
stop(sprintf("'%s' must be a matrix or a data.frame", varName))
directFlowIds <- x$id[$model)]
if (length(directFlowIds) > 0) {
err <- FALSE
if (is.null(Qobs)) {
err <- TRUE
} else {
Qobs <- as.matrix(Qobs)
if (is.null(colnames(Qobs))) {
err <- TRUE
} else if (!all(directFlowIds %in% colnames(Qobs))) {
err <- TRUE
if (err) stop(sprintf("'Qobs' column names must at least contain %s", paste(directFlowIds, collapse = ", ")))
InputsModel <- CreateEmptyGRiwrmInputsModel(x)
Qobs[] <- -99 # airGR::CreateInputsModel doesn't accept NA values
# Qobs completion
Qobs0 <- matrix(0, nrow = length(DatesR), ncol = nrow(x))
colnames(Qobs0) <- x$id
if (is.null(Qobs)) {
Qobs <- Qobs0
} else {
Qobs0[, colnames(Qobs)] <- Qobs
Qobs <- Qobs0
for(id in getNodeRanking(x)) {
message("CreateInputsModel.GRiwrm: Treating sub-basin ", id, "...")
......@@ -142,9 +131,10 @@ CreateEmptyGRiwrmInputsModel <- function(griwrm) {
#' @param id string of the node identifier
#' @param griwrm See [CreateGRiwrm])
#' @param DatesR vector of dates required to create the GR model and CemaNeige module inputs
#' @param Precip time series of potential evapotranspiration (catchment average) (mm/time step)
#' @param PotEvap time series of potential evapotranspiration (catchment average) (mm/time step)
#' @param ... parameters sent to [airGR::CreateInputsModel]:
#' - `DatesR` [vector] of dates required to create the GR model and CemaNeige module inputs
#' - `Precip` [vector] time series of potential evapotranspiration (catchment average) (mm/time step)
#' - `PotEvap` [vector] time series of potential evapotranspiration (catchment average) (mm/time step)
#' @param Qobs Matrix or data frame of numeric containing observed flow (mm/time step). Column names correspond to node IDs
#' @return \emph{InputsModel} object for one.
#' Generic function for creating `InputsModel` object for either **airGR** or **airGRiwrm**
#' See the methods [CreateInputsModel.GRiwrm] for **airGRiwrm** and [CreateInputsModel.default] for **airGR**.
#' See the methods [CreateInputsModel.GRiwrm] for **airGRiwrm** and [airGR::CreateInputsModel] for **airGR**.
#' @param x First parameter determining which InputsModel object is created
#' @param ... further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return InputsModel or GRiwrmInputsObject object
#' @rdname CreateInputsModel
#' @import airGR
#' @export
CreateInputsModel <- function(x, ...) {
UseMethod("CreateInputsModel", x)
#' @rdname CreateInputsModel
#' @export
CreateInputsModel.default <- function(x,
...) {
airGR::CreateInputsModel(FUN_MOD = x, ...)
#' Wrapper for [airGR::CreateInputsModel] for one sub-basin
#' @param x [function] hydrological model function (e.g. [airGR::RunModel_GR4J]...)
#' @param ... arguments passed to [airGR::CreateInputsModel]
#' @import airGR
#' @export
CreateInputsModel.default <- function(x,
...) {
airGR::CreateInputsModel(FUN_MOD = x, ...)
#' @param IniStates (optional) [numeric] object or [list] of [numeric] object of class \emph{IniStates}, see [airGR::CreateIniStates] for details
#' @rdname CreateRunOptions
#' @export
CreateRunOptions.GRiwrmInputsModel <- function(InputsModel, ...) {
CreateRunOptions.GRiwrmInputsModel <- function(x, IniStates = NULL, ...) {
RunOptions <- list()
class(RunOptions) <- append(class(RunOptions), "GRiwrmRunOptions")
for(InputsModelBasin in InputsModel) {
RunOptions[[InputsModelBasin$id]] <- CreateRunOptions(InputsModel = InputsModelBasin, ...)
for(id in names(x)) {
RunOptions[[id]] <- CreateRunOptions(x[[id]], IniStates = IniStates[[id]], ...)
#' @rdname CreateRunOptions
#' @export
CreateRunOptions.InputsModel <- function(InputsModel, ...) {
airGR::CreateRunOptions(FUN_MOD = InputsModel$FUN_MOD,
InputsModel = InputsModel,
#' Creation of the CalibOptions object
#' Creation of the RunOptions object
#' This function can be used either for a catchment (with an \emph{InputsModel} object) or for a network (with a \emph{GRiwrmInputsModel} object)
#' @param InputsModel object of class \emph{InputsModel} or \emph{GRiwrmInputsModel}. See [CreateInputsModel] for details
#' @template param_x
#' @param ... arguments passed to [airGR::CreateRunOptions], see details
#' @details See [airGR::CreateRunOptions] documentation for a complete list of arguments.
#' If `InputsModel` argument is a \emph{GRiwrmInputsModel} object, `IniStates` must be a list of [numeric] object of class \emph{IniStates} with one item per modelled sub-catchment.
#' With a \emph{GRiwrmInputsModel} object, all arguments are applied on each sub-catchments of the network.
#' @return Depending on the class of `InputsModel` argument (respectively `InputsModel` and `GRiwrmInputsModel` object), the returned value is respectively:
#' @return Depending on the class of `InputsModel` argument (respectively \emph{InputsModel} and \emph{GRiwrmInputsModel} object), the returned value is respectively:
#' - a `RunOptions` object (See [airGR::CreateRunOptions])
#' - a `GRiwrmRunOptions` object which is a [list] of `RunOptions` object with one item per modelled sub-catchment
#' - a `GRiwrmRunOptions` object which is a [list] of `RunOptions` objects with one item per modelled sub-catchment
#' @rdname CreateRunOptions
#' @export
#' @inherit RunModel.GRiwrmInputsModel return examples
CreateRunOptions <- function(InputsModel, ...) {
UseMethod("CreateRunOptions", InputsModel)
CreateRunOptions <- function(x, ...) {
UseMethod("CreateRunOptions", x)
#' @rdname CreateRunOptions
#' @export
CreateRunOptions.InputsModel <- function(x, ...) {
if (!exists("FUN_MOD") && !is.null(x$FUN_MOD)) {
airGR::CreateRunOptions(FUN_MOD = x$FUN_MOD,
InputsModel = x,
} else {
airGR::CreateRunOptions(InputsModel = x,
#' @rdname CreateRunOptions
#' @export
CreateRunOptions.character <- function(x, ...) {
airGR::CreateRunOptions(FUN_MOD = x,
#' @rdname CreateRunOptions
#' @export
CreateRunOptions.function <- function(x, ...) {
airGR::CreateRunOptions(FUN_MOD = x,