ohmpi.py 80.3 KB
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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created on January 6, 2020.
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Updates may 2023.
Hardware: Licensed under CERN-OHL-S v2 or any later version
Software: Licensed under the GNU General Public License v3.0
Ohmpi.py is a program to control a low-cost and open hardware resistivity meter OhmPi that has been developed by
Olivier Kaufmann's avatar
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Olivier KAUFMANN (UMONS), Arnaud WATLET (UMONS) and Guillaume BLANCHY (FNRS/ULiege).
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Clement Remi committed

import json
import warnings
from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np
import time
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import shutil
from datetime import datetime
from termcolor import colored
from logging_setup import setup_loggers
from logging import DEBUG
# finish import (done only when class is instantiated as some libs are only available on arm64 platform)
    import board  # noqa
    import busio  # noqa
    import adafruit_tca9548a  # noqa
    import adafruit_ads1x15.ads1115 as ads  # noqa
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    from adafruit_ads1x15.ads1x15 import Mode
    from adafruit_ads1x15.analog_in import AnalogIn  # noqa
    from adafruit_ads1x15.ads1x15 import Mode
    from adafruit_mcp230xx.mcp23008 import MCP23008  # noqa
    from adafruit_mcp230xx.mcp23017 import MCP23017  # noqa
    from adafruit_extended_bus import ExtendedI2C
    import digitalio  # noqa
    from digitalio import Direction  # noqa
    from gpiozero import CPUTemperature  # noqa
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    import minimalmodbus  # noqa

except ImportError as error:
    if EXEC_LOGGING_CONFIG['logging_level'] == DEBUG:
        print(colored(f'Import error: {error}', 'yellow'))
except Exception as error:
    print(colored(f'Unexpected error: {error}', 'red'))
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class OhmPi(object):
    def __init__(self, settings=None, sequence=None, use_mux=False, mqtt=True, onpi=None, idps=False):


            if True use the multiplexor to select active electrodes
        mqtt: bool, defaut: True
            if True publish on mqtt topics while logging, otherwise use other loggers only
            if None, the platform on which the class is instantiated is determined to set on_pi to either True or False.
            if False the behaviour of an ohmpi will be partially emulated and return random data.
        self._sequence = sequence
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Olivier Kaufmann committed
        self.use_mux = use_mux
        self.on_pi = onpi  # True if run from the RaspberryPi with the hardware, otherwise False for random data
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        self.status = 'idle'  # either running or idle
        self.thread = None  # contains the handle for the thread taking the measurement
        config_exec_logger, _, config_data_logger, _, _, msg = setup_loggers(mqtt=mqtt)  # TODO: add SOH
        self.data_logger = config_data_logger
        self.exec_logger = config_exec_logger
        self.soh_logger = None  # TODO: Implement the SOH logger
        # read in hardware parameters (config.py)
        # default acquisition settings
        self.settings = {
            'injection_duration': 0.2,
            'sequence_delay': 1,
            'nb_stack': 1,
            'export_path': 'data/measurement.csv',
            'tx_volt': 5
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        # read in acquisition settings
        if settings is not None:
        self.exec_logger.debug('Initialized with settings:' + str(self.settings))
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        # read quadrupole sequence
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        self.idps = idps  # flag to use dps for injection or not
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        # connect to components on the OhmPi board
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            # activation of I2C protocol
            self.i2c = busio.I2C(board.SCL, board.SDA)  # noqa
            if self.i2c_mux_address == 2:
                self.i2c_mux = self.i2c
                self.i2c_mux = ExtendedI2C(self.i2c_mux_address)
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            # I2C connexion to MCP23008, for current injection
            self.mcp_board = MCP23008(self.i2c, address=self.mcp_board_address)
            self.pin4 = self.mcp_board.get_pin(4) # Ohmpi_run
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            self.pin4.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
            self.pin4.value = True
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            # ADS1115 for current measurement (AB)
            self.ads_current_address = 0x48
            self.ads_current = ads.ADS1115(self.i2c, gain=2 / 3, data_rate=860, address=self.ads_current_address)
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            # ADS1115 for voltage measurement (MN)
            self.ads_voltage_address = 0x49
            self.ads_voltage = ads.ADS1115(self.i2c, gain=2 / 3, data_rate=860, address=self.ads_voltage_address)
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                self.pin2 = self.mcp_board.get_pin(2) # dsp +
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                self.pin2.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
                self.pin2.value = True
                self.pin3 = self.mcp_board.get_pin(3) # dsp -
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                self.pin3.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
                self.pin3.value = True
                self.DPS = minimalmodbus.Instrument(port='/dev/ttyUSB0', slaveaddress=1)  # port name, address (decimal)
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                self.DPS.serial.baudrate = 9600  # Baud rate 9600 as listed in doc
                self.DPS.serial.bytesize = 8  #
                self.DPS.serial.timeout = 1  # greater than 0.5 for it to work
                self.DPS.debug = False  #
                self.DPS.serial.parity = 'N'  # No parity
                self.DPS.mode = minimalmodbus.MODE_RTU  # RTU mode
                self.DPS.write_register(0x0001, 200, 0)  # max current allowed (100 mA for relays)
                #self.soh_logger.debug(f'Battery voltage: {self.DPS.read_register(0x05,2 ):.3f}') TODO: SOH logger
                batt_level = self._read_battery_level()
                msg = f'Battery voltage: {batt_level:.3f}'
                if batt_level < 12:
                    print(colored(f'\u2611 {msg}', 'red'))
                    print(colored(f'\u2611 {msg}', 'green'))

            # injection courant and measure (TODO check if it works, otherwise back in run_measurement())
            self.pin0 = self.mcp_board.get_pin(0)
            self.pin0.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
            self.pin0.value = False
            self.pin1 = self.mcp_board.get_pin(1)
            self.pin1.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
            self.pin1.value = False

        # set controller
        self.mqtt = mqtt
        self.cmd_id = None
        if self.mqtt:
            import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt_client

            self.exec_logger.debug(f"Connecting to control topic {MQTT_CONTROL_CONFIG['ctrl_topic']}"
                                   f" on {MQTT_CONTROL_CONFIG['hostname']} broker")

            def connect_mqtt() -> mqtt_client:
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                def on_connect(mqttclient, userdata, flags, rc):
                        self.exec_logger.debug(f"Successfully connected to control broker:"
                                               f" {MQTT_CONTROL_CONFIG['hostname']}")
                        self.exec_logger.warning(f'Failed to connect to control broker. Return code : {rc}')
                client = mqtt_client.Client(f"ohmpi_{OHMPI_CONFIG['id']}_listener", clean_session=False)
                client.on_connect = on_connect
                client.connect(MQTT_CONTROL_CONFIG['hostname'], MQTT_CONTROL_CONFIG['port'])
                self.exec_logger.debug(f"Connecting to control broker: {MQTT_CONTROL_CONFIG['hostname']}")
                self.controller = connect_mqtt()
            except Exception as e:
                self.exec_logger.debug(f'Unable to connect control broker: {e}')
                self.controller = None
            if self.controller is not None:
                self.exec_logger.debug(f"Subscribing to control topic {MQTT_CONTROL_CONFIG['ctrl_topic']}")
                    self.controller.subscribe(MQTT_CONTROL_CONFIG['ctrl_topic'], MQTT_CONTROL_CONFIG['qos'])

                    msg = f"Subscribed to control topic {MQTT_CONTROL_CONFIG['ctrl_topic']}" \
                          f" on {MQTT_CONTROL_CONFIG['hostname']} broker"
                    print(colored(f'\u2611 {msg}', 'blue'))
                except Exception as e:
                    self.exec_logger.warning(f'Unable to subscribe to control topic : {e}')
                    self.controller = None
                publisher_config = MQTT_CONTROL_CONFIG.copy()
                publisher_config['topic'] = MQTT_CONTROL_CONFIG['ctrl_topic']

                def on_message(client, userdata, message):
                    command = message.payload.decode('utf-8')
                    self.exec_logger.debug(f'Received command {command}')

                self.controller.on_message = on_message
                self.controller = None
                self.exec_logger.warning('No connection to control broker.'
                                         ' Use python/ipython to interact with OhmPi object...')
    def append_and_save(filename: str, last_measurement: dict, cmd_id=None):
        """Appends and saves the last measurement dict.
        filename : str
            filename to save the last measurement dataframe
        last_measurement : dict
            Last measurement taken in the form of a python dictionary
        cmd_id : str, optional
            Unique command identifier
        last_measurement = deepcopy(last_measurement)
        if 'fulldata' in last_measurement:
            d = last_measurement['fulldata']
            n = d.shape[0]
            if n > 1:
                idic = dict(zip(['i' + str(i) for i in range(n)], d[:, 0]))
                udic = dict(zip(['u' + str(i) for i in range(n)], d[:, 1]))
                tdic = dict(zip(['t' + str(i) for i in range(n)], d[:, 2]))
                uxdic = dict(zip(['ux' + str(i) for i in range(n)], d[:, 3]))
                uydic = dict(zip(['uy' + str(i) for i in range(n)], d[:, 4]))
        if os.path.isfile(filename):
            # Load data file and append data to it
            with open(filename, 'a') as f:
                w = csv.DictWriter(f, last_measurement.keys())
                # last_measurement.to_csv(f, header=False)
            # create data file and add headers
            with open(filename, 'a') as f:
                w = csv.DictWriter(f, last_measurement.keys())
    def _compute_tx_volt(self, best_tx_injtime=0.1, strategy='vmax', tx_volt=5, autogain=True):
        """Estimates best Tx voltage based on different strategies.
        At first a half-cycle is made for a short duration with a fixed
        known voltage. This gives us Iab and Rab. We also measure Vmn.
        A constant c = vmn/iab is computed (only depends on geometric
        factor and ground resistivity, that doesn't change during a
        quadrupole). Then depending on the strategy, we compute which
        vab to inject to reach the minimum/maximum Iab current or
        min/max Vmn.
        This function also compute the polarity on Vmn (on which pin
        of the ADS1115 we need to measure Vmn to get the positive value).
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        best_tx_injtime : float, optional
            Time in milliseconds for the half-cycle used to compute Rab.
        strategy : str, optional
            - vmax : compute Vab to reach a maximum Iab and Vmn
            - constant : apply given Vab
        tx_volt : float, optional
            Voltage to apply for guessing the best voltage. 5 V applied
            by default. If strategy "constant" is chosen, constant voltage
            to applied is "tx_volt".

        vab : float
            Proposed Vab according to the given strategy.
        polarity : int
            Either 1 or -1 to know on which pin of the ADS the Vmn is measured.
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        # hardware limits
        voltage_min = 10.  # mV
        voltage_max = 4500.
        current_min = voltage_min / (self.r_shunt * 50)  # mA
        current_max = voltage_max / (self.r_shunt * 50)
        tx_max = 50.  # volt
            self.exec_logger.warning('Sorry, cannot inject more than 50 V, set it back to 5 V')
            volt = 5.

        # redefined the pin of the mcp (needed when relays are connected)
        self.pin0 = self.mcp_board.get_pin(0)
        self.pin0.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
        self.pin0.value = False
        self.pin1 = self.mcp_board.get_pin(1)
        self.pin1.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
        self.pin1.value = False

        # select a polarity to start with
        self.pin0.value = True
        self.pin1.value = False
        if strategy == 'constant':
            vab = volt

            self.DPS.write_register(0x0000, volt, 2)
            self.DPS.write_register(0x09, 1)  # DPS5005 on
            time.sleep(best_tx_injtime)  # inject for given tx time
            self.ads_current = ads.ADS1115(self.i2c, gain=2 / 3, data_rate=860, address=self.ads_current_address)
            self.ads_voltage = ads.ADS1115(self.i2c, gain=2 / 3, data_rate=860, address=self.ads_voltage_address)
            # autogain
            if autogain:
                gain_current = self._gain_auto(AnalogIn(self.ads_current, ads.P0))
                gain_voltage0 = self._gain_auto(AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P0))
                gain_voltage2 = self._gain_auto(AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P2))
                gain_voltage = np.min([gain_voltage0, gain_voltage2])  # TODO: separate gain for P0 and P2
                self.ads_current = ads.ADS1115(self.i2c, gain=gain_current, data_rate=860, address=self.ads_current_address)
                self.ads_voltage = ads.ADS1115(self.i2c, gain=gain_voltage, data_rate=860, address=self.ads_voltage_address)
            # we measure the voltage on both A0 and A2 to guess the polarity
            I = AnalogIn(self.ads_current, ads.P0).voltage * 1000. / 50 / self.r_shunt  # noqa measure current
            U0 = AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P0).voltage * 1000.  # noqa measure voltage
            U2 = AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P2).voltage * 1000.  # noqa
            # check polarity
            polarity = 1  # by default, we guessed it right
            vmn = U0
            if U0 < 0:  # we guessed it wrong, let's use a correction factor
                polarity = -1
                vmn = U2
        elif strategy == 'vmax':
            # implement different strategies
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            while I < 3 or abs(vmn) < 20 :  #TODO: hardware related - place in config
                    #print('o', volt)
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                    volt = volt + 2
                   # print('>', volt)
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                if volt > 50:
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                # set voltage for test
                if count==1:
                    self.DPS.write_register(0x09, 1)  # DPS5005 on
                    time.sleep(best_tx_injtime)  # inject for given tx time
                self.DPS.write_register(0x0000, volt, 2)
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                self.ads_current = ads.ADS1115(self.i2c, gain=2 / 3, data_rate=860, address=self.ads_current_address)
                self.ads_voltage = ads.ADS1115(self.i2c, gain=2 / 3, data_rate=860, address=self.ads_voltage_address)
                # autogain
                if autogain:
                    gain_current = self._gain_auto(AnalogIn(self.ads_current, ads.P0))
                    gain_voltage0 = self._gain_auto(AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P0))
                    gain_voltage2 = self._gain_auto(AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P2))
                    gain_voltage = np.min([gain_voltage0, gain_voltage2])  #TODO: separate gain for P0 and P2
                    self.ads_current = ads.ADS1115(self.i2c, gain=gain_current, data_rate=860, address=self.ads_current_address)
                    self.ads_voltage = ads.ADS1115(self.i2c, gain=gain_voltage, data_rate=860, address=self.ads_voltage_address)
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                # we measure the voltage on both A0 and A2 to guess the polarity
                for i in range(10):
                    I = AnalogIn(self.ads_current, ads.P0).voltage * 1000. / 50 / self.r_shunt  # noqa measure current
                    U0 = AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P0).voltage * 1000.  # noqa measure voltage
                    U2 = AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P2).voltage * 1000.  # noqa
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Arnaud WATLET committed

                # check polarity
                polarity = 1  # by default, we guessed it right
                vmn = U0
                if U0 < 0:  # we guessed it wrong, let's use a correction factor
                    polarity = -1
                    vmn = U2
            n = 0
            while (abs(vmn) > voltage_max or I > current_max) and volt>0:  #If starting voltage is too high, need to lower it down
                # print('we are out of range! so decreasing volt')
                volt = volt - 2
                self.DPS.write_register(0x0000, volt, 2)
                #self.DPS.write_register(0x09, 1)  # DPS5005 on
                I = AnalogIn(self.ads_current, ads.P0).voltage * 1000. / 50 / self.r_shunt
                U0 = AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P0).voltage * 1000.
                U2 = AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P2).voltage * 1000.
                polarity = 1  # by default, we guessed it right
                vmn = U0
                if U0 < 0:  # we guessed it wrong, let's use a correction factor
                    polarity = -1
                    vmn = U2
                if n > 25 :   
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            factor_I = (current_max) / I
            factor_vmn = voltage_max / vmn
            factor = factor_I
            if factor_I > factor_vmn:
                factor = factor_vmn
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            vab = factor * volt * 0.9
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            if vab > tx_max:
                vab = tx_max
            print(factor_I, factor_vmn, 'factor!!')

        elif strategy == 'vmin':
            # implement different strategy
            while I > 10 or abs(vmn) > 300 :  #TODO: hardware related - place in config
                if count > 0 :
                    volt = volt - 2
                if volt > 50:

                # set voltage for test
                self.DPS.write_register(0x0000, volt, 2)
                if count==1:
                    self.DPS.write_register(0x09, 1)  # DPS5005 on
                time.sleep(best_tx_injtime)  # inject for given tx time
                self.ads_current = ads.ADS1115(self.i2c, gain=2 / 3, data_rate=860, address=self.ads_current_address)
                self.ads_voltage = ads.ADS1115(self.i2c, gain=2 / 3, data_rate=860, address=self.ads_voltage_address)
                # autogain
                if autogain:
                    gain_current = self._gain_auto(AnalogIn(self.ads_current, ads.P0))
                    gain_voltage0 = self._gain_auto(AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P0))
                    gain_voltage2 = self._gain_auto(AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P2))
                    gain_voltage = np.min([gain_voltage0, gain_voltage2])  #TODO: separate gain for P0 and P2
                    self.ads_current = ads.ADS1115(self.i2c, gain=gain_current, data_rate=860, address=self.ads_current_address)
                    self.ads_voltage = ads.ADS1115(self.i2c, gain=gain_voltage, data_rate=860, address=self.ads_voltage_address)
                # we measure the voltage on both A0 and A2 to guess the polarity
                I = AnalogIn(self.ads_current, ads.P0).voltage * 1000. / 50 / self.r_shunt  # noqa measure current
                U0 = AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P0).voltage * 1000.  # noqa measure voltage
                U2 = AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P2).voltage * 1000.  # noqa

                # check polarity
                polarity = 1  # by default, we guessed it right
                vmn = U0
                if U0 < 0:  # we guessed it wrong, let's use a correction factor
                    polarity = -1
                    vmn = U2

            while (abs(vmn) < voltage_min or I < current_min) and volt > 0 :  #If starting voltage is too high, need to lower it down
                # print('we are out of range! so increasing volt')
                volt = volt + 2
                self.DPS.write_register(0x0000, volt, 2)
                #self.DPS.write_register(0x09, 1)  # DPS5005 on
                I = AnalogIn(self.ads_current, ads.P0).voltage * 1000. / 50 / self.r_shunt
                U0 = AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P0).voltage * 1000.
                U2 = AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P2).voltage * 1000.
                polarity = 1  # by default, we guessed it right
                vmn = U0
                if U0 < 0:  # we guessed it wrong, let's use a correction factor
                    polarity = -1
                    vmn = U2
                if n > 25 :

            vab = volt
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        self.DPS.write_register(0x09, 0) # DPS5005 off
        # print('polarity', polarity)
        self.pin0.value = False
        self.pin1.value = False
        # # compute constant
        # c = vmn / I
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        Rab = (volt * 1000.) / I  # noqa

        self.exec_logger.debug(f'Rab = {Rab:.2f} Ohms')

        # self.DPS.write_register(0x09, 0) # DPS5005 off
        self.pin0.value = False
        self.pin1.value = False

    def _find_identical_in_line(quads):
        """Finds quadrupole where A and B are identical.
        If A and B are connected to the same electrode, the Pi burns (short-circuit).
            List of quadrupoles of shape nquad x 4 or 1D vector of shape nquad.
        output : numpy.ndarray 1D array of int
            List of index of rows where A and B are identical.

        # if we have a 1D array (so only 1 quadrupole), make it a 2D array
        if len(quads.shape) == 1:
            quads = quads[None, :]

        output = np.where(quads[:, 0] == quads[:, 1])[0]

        return output

    def _gain_auto(self, channel):
        """Automatically sets the gain on a channel

        channel : ads.ADS1x15
            Instance of ADS where voltage is measured.

        gain : float
            Gain to be applied on ADS1115.

        gain = 2 / 3
        if (abs(channel.voltage) < 2.040) and (abs(channel.voltage) >= 1.0):
        elif (abs(channel.voltage) < 1.0) and (abs(channel.voltage) >= 0.500):
        elif (abs(channel.voltage) < 0.500) and (abs(channel.voltage) >= 0.250):
        elif abs(channel.voltage) < 0.250:
            gain = 16
        self.exec_logger.debug(f'Setting gain to {gain}')
        return gain

    def get_data(self, survey_names=None, cmd_id=None):
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        """Get available data.
        survey_names : list of str, optional
            List of filenames already available from the html interface. So
            their content won't be returned again. Only files not in the list
            will be read.
        cmd_id : str, optional
            Unique command identifier
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        # get all .csv file in data folder
        if survey_names is None:
            survey_names = []
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        fnames = [fname for fname in os.listdir('data/') if fname[-4:] == '.csv']
        ddic = {}
        if cmd_id is None:
            cmd_id = 'unknown'
        for fname in fnames:
            if ((fname != 'readme.txt')
                    and ('_rs' not in fname)
                    and (fname.replace('.csv', '') not in survey_names)):
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                    data = np.loadtxt('data/' + fname, delimiter=',',
                                      skiprows=1, usecols=(1, 2, 3, 4, 8))
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                    data = data[None, :] if len(data.shape) == 1 else data
                    ddic[fname.replace('.csv', '')] = {
                        'a': data[:, 0].astype(int).tolist(),
                        'b': data[:, 1].astype(int).tolist(),
                        'm': data[:, 2].astype(int).tolist(),
                        'n': data[:, 3].astype(int).tolist(),
                        'rho': data[:, 4].tolist(),
                except Exception as e:
                    print(fname, ':', e)
        rdic = {'cmd_id': cmd_id, 'data': ddic}
        return ddic

        """Interrupts the acquisition

        cmd_id : str, optional
            Unique command identifier
        self.status = 'stopping'
        if self.thread is not None:
            self.exec_logger.debug('Interrupted sequence acquisition...')
            self.exec_logger.debug('No sequence measurement thread to interrupt.')
        self.exec_logger.debug(f'Status: {self.status}')
    def load_sequence(self, filename: str, cmd_id=None):
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        filename : str
            Path of the .csv or .txt file with A, B, M and N electrodes.
            Electrode index start at 1.
        cmd_id : str, optional
            Unique command identifier
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            Array of shape (number quadrupoles * 4).
        self.exec_logger.debug(f'Loading sequence {filename}')
        sequence = np.loadtxt(filename, delimiter=" ", dtype=np.uint32)  # load quadrupole file
            self.exec_logger.debug(f'Sequence of {sequence.shape[0]:d} quadrupoles read.')
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        # locate lines where the electrode index exceeds the maximum number of electrodes
        test_index_elec = np.array(np.where(sequence > self.max_elec))
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        # locate lines where electrode A == electrode B
        test_same_elec = self._find_identical_in_line(sequence)
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        # if statement with exit cases (TODO rajouter un else if pour le deuxième cas du ticket #2)
        if test_index_elec.size != 0:
            for i in range(len(test_index_elec[0, :])):
                self.exec_logger.error(f'An electrode index at line {str(test_index_elec[0, i] + 1)} '
                                       f'exceeds the maximum number of electrodes')
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        elif len(test_same_elec) != 0:
            for i in range(len(test_same_elec)):
                self.exec_logger.error(f'An electrode index A == B detected at line {str(test_same_elec[i] + 1)}')
            self.exec_logger.info(f'Sequence {filename} of {sequence.shape[0]:d} quadrupoles loaded.')
            self.exec_logger.warning(f'Unable to load sequence {filename}')
        warnings.warn('This function is deprecated. Use run_multiple_sequences() instead.', DeprecationWarning)
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    def _process_commands(self, message: str):
        """Processes commands received from the controller(s)
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        message : str
            message containing a command and arguments or keywords and arguments
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        status = False
        cmd_id = '?'
            decoded_message = json.loads(message)
            self.exec_logger.debug(f'Decoded message {decoded_message}')
            cmd_id = decoded_message.pop('cmd_id', None)
            cmd = decoded_message.pop('cmd', None)
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            # args = decoded_message.pop('args', None)
            # if args is not None:
            #    if len(args) != 0:
            #        if args[0] != '[':
            #            args = f'["{args}"]'
            #        self.exec_logger.debug(f'args to decode: {args}')
            #        args = json.loads(args) if args != '[]' else None
            #        self.exec_logger.debug(f'Decoded args {args}')
            #    else:
            #        args = None
            kwargs = decoded_message.pop('kwargs', None)
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            # if kwargs is not None:
            #     if len(kwargs) != 0:
            #         if kwargs[0] != '{':
            #             kwargs = '{"' + kwargs + '"}'
            #         self.exec_logger.debug(f'kwargs to decode: {kwargs}')
            #         kwargs = json.loads(kwargs) if kwargs != '' else None
            #         self.exec_logger.debug(f'Decoded kwargs {kwargs}')
            #     else:
            #         kwargs = None
            self.exec_logger.debug(f"Calling method {cmd}({str(kwargs) if kwargs is not None else ''})")
            # self.exec_logger.debug(f"Calling method {cmd}({str(args) + ', ' if args is not None else ''}"
            #                        f"{str(kwargs) if kwargs is not None else ''})")
            if cmd_id is None:
                self.exec_logger.warning('You should use a unique identifier for cmd_id')
            if cmd is not None:
                    # if args is None:
                    #     if kwargs is None:
                    #         output = getattr(self, cmd)()
                    #     else:
                    #         output = getattr(self, cmd)(**kwargs)
                    # else:
                    if kwargs is None:
                        output = getattr(self, cmd)()
                        output = getattr(self, cmd)(**kwargs)
                    status = True
                except Exception as e:
                        f"Unable to execute {cmd}({str(kwargs) if kwargs is not None else ''}): {e}")
                    status = False
        except Exception as e:
            self.exec_logger.warning(f'Unable to decode command {message}: {e}')
            status = False
            reply = {'cmd_id': cmd_id, 'status': status}
            reply = json.dumps(reply)
            self.exec_logger.debug(f'Execution report: {reply}')
        """Quits OhmPi
        cmd_id : str, optional
            Unique command identifier

        self.exec_logger.debug(f'Quitting ohmpi.py following command {cmd_id}')
    def _read_hardware_config(self):
        """Reads hardware configuration from config.py
        self.exec_logger.debug('Getting hardware config')
        self.id = OHMPI_CONFIG['id']  # ID of the OhmPi
        self.r_shunt = OHMPI_CONFIG['R_shunt']  # reference resistance value in ohm
        self.Imax = OHMPI_CONFIG['Imax']  # maximum current
        self.exec_logger.debug(f'The maximum current cannot be higher than {self.Imax} mA')
        self.coef_p2 = OHMPI_CONFIG['coef_p2']  # slope for current conversion for ads.P2, measurement in V/V
        self.nb_samples = OHMPI_CONFIG['nb_samples']  # number of samples measured for each stack
        self.version = OHMPI_CONFIG['version']  # hardware version
        self.max_elec = OHMPI_CONFIG['max_elec']  # maximum number of electrodes
        self.board_addresses = OHMPI_CONFIG['board_addresses']
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        self.board_version = OHMPI_CONFIG['board_version']
        self.mcp_board_address = OHMPI_CONFIG['mcp_board_address']
        self.exec_logger.debug(f'OHMPI_CONFIG = {str(OHMPI_CONFIG)}')
        self.i2c_mux_address = OHMPI_CONFIG['i2c_mux_address']
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        self.vmn_offset = OHMPI_CONFIG['vmn_offset']
        warnings.warn('This function is deprecated. Use load_sequence instead.', DeprecationWarning)
    def _read_voltage(self):

    def _read_battery_level(self):
        return self.DPS.read_register(0x05, 2)

    def remove_data(self, cmd_id=None):
        """Remove all data in the data folder

        cmd_id : str, optional
            Unique command identifier
        self.exec_logger.debug(f'Removing all data following command {cmd_id}')
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        """Restarts the Raspberry Pi

        cmd_id : str, optional
            Unique command identifier

        if self.on_pi:
            self.exec_logger.info(f'Restarting pi following command {cmd_id}...')
            self.exec_logger.warning('Not on Raspberry Pi, skipping reboot...')
    def run_measurement(self, quad=None, nb_stack=None, injection_duration=None,
                        autogain=True, strategy='constant', tx_volt=None, best_tx_injtime=0.1, duty_cycle=0.5,
        """Measures on a quadrupole and returns transfer resistance.
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            Quadrupole to measure, just for labelling. Only switch_mux_on/off
            really create the route to the electrodes.
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        nb_stack : int, optional
            Number of stacks. A stacl is considered two half-cycles (one
            positive, one negative).
        injection_duration : int, optional
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            Injection time in seconds.
        autogain : bool, optional
            If True, will adapt the gain of the ADS1115 to maximize the
            resolution of the reading.
        strategy : str, optional
            (V3.0 only) If we search for best voltage (tx_volt == 0), we can choose
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            vmax strategy : find the highest voltage that stays in the range
            For a constant value, just set the tx_volt.
        tx_volt : float, optional
            (V3.0 only) If specified, voltage will be imposed. If 0, we will look
            for the best voltage. If the best Tx cannot be found, no
            measurement will be taken and values will be NaN.
        best_tx_injtime : float, optional
            (V3.0 only) Injection time in seconds used for finding the best voltage.
        duty_cycle : float, optional, default: 0.5
            Ratio of time between injection duration and no injection duration during a half-cycle
            It should be comprised between 0.5 (no injection duration same as injection duration) and 1 (no injection
            duration equal to 0)
        cmd_id : str, optional
            Unique command identifier
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        self.exec_logger.debug('Starting measurement')
        self.exec_logger.debug('Waiting for data')
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        # check arguments
        if quad is None:
            quad = [0, 0, 0, 0]
        if self.on_pi:
            if nb_stack is None:
                nb_stack = self.settings['nb_stack']
            if injection_duration is None:
                injection_duration = self.settings['injection_duration']
            if tx_volt is None :
                tx_volt = self.settings['tx_volt']
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            tx_volt = float(tx_volt)

            # inner variable initialization
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            sum_i = 0
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            # let's define the pin again as if we run through measure()
            # as it's run in another thread, it doesn't consider these
            # and this can lead to short circuit!
            self.pin0 = self.mcp_board.get_pin(0)
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            self.pin0.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
            self.pin0.value = False
            self.pin1 = self.mcp_board.get_pin(1)
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            self.pin1.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
            self.pin1.value = False
            self.pin7 = self.mcp_board.get_pin(7)  # IHM on mesaurement
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            self.pin7.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
            self.pin7.value = False
            if self.sequence is None:
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                    # self.switch_dps('on')
                    self.pin2 = self.mcp_board.get_pin(2)  # dsp +
                    self.pin2.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
                    self.pin2.value = True
                    self.pin3 = self.mcp_board.get_pin(3)  # dsp -
                    self.pin3.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
                    self.pin3.value = True

            self.pin5 = self.mcp_board.get_pin(5)  # IHM on mesaurement
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            self.pin5.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
            self.pin5.value = True
            self.pin6 = self.mcp_board.get_pin(6)  # IHM on mesaurement
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            self.pin6.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
            self.pin6.value = False
            self.pin7 = self.mcp_board.get_pin(7)  # IHM on mesaurement
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            self.pin7.direction = Direction.OUTPUT
            self.pin7.value = False
            if self.idps:
                if self.DPS.read_register(0x05, 2) < 11:
                    self.pin7.value = True  # max current allowed (100 mA for relays) #voltage

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            # get best voltage to inject AND polarity
            if self.idps:
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                self.DPS.write_register(0X001, 2000, 0) #max current allow 200 mA                          
                tx_volt, polarity, Rab = self._compute_tx_volt(
                    best_tx_injtime=best_tx_injtime, strategy=strategy, tx_volt=tx_volt, autogain=autogain)
                self.exec_logger.debug(f'Best vab found is {tx_volt:.3f}V')
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                polarity = 1
            # first reset the gain to 2/3 before trying to find best gain 
            self.ads_current = ads.ADS1115(self.i2c, gain=2 / 3, data_rate=860,
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            self.ads_current.mode= Mode.CONTINUOUS                             
            self.ads_voltage = ads.ADS1115(self.i2c, gain=2 / 3, data_rate=860,
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            self.ads_voltage.mode= Mode.CONTINUOUS
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            # turn on the power supply
            out_of_range = False
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            if self.idps:
                if not np.isnan(tx_volt):
                    self.DPS.write_register(0x0000, tx_volt, 2)  # set tx voltage in V
                    self.DPS.write_register(0x09, 1)  # DPS5005 on
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                    time.sleep(2) # do not chnage this value 1 second is the minimum
                    self.exec_logger.debug('No best voltage found, will not take measurement')
            if not out_of_range:  # we found a Vab in the range so we measure
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                gain = 2 / 3
                self.ads_voltage = ads.ADS1115(self.i2c, gain=gain, data_rate=860,
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                self.ads_voltage.mode= Mode.CONTINUOUS 
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                if autogain:
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                    # compute autogain
                    for n in [0, 1]:  # make short cycle for gain computation
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                        if n == 0:
                            self.pin0.value = True
                            self.pin1.value = False
                            if self.board_version == 'mb.2023.0.0':
                                self.pin6.value = True  # IHM current injection led on
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                            self.pin0.value = False
                            self.pin1.value = True  # current injection nr2
                            if self.board_version == 'mb.2023.0.0':
                                self.pin6.value = True  # IHM current injection led on
                        gain_current = self._gain_auto(AnalogIn(self.ads_current, ads.P0))
                        gain_voltage.append(self._gain_auto(AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P0)))
                        gain_voltage.append(self._gain_auto(AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P2)))
                        # if polarity > 0:
                        #     if n == 0:
                        #         gain_voltage.append(self._gain_auto(AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P0)))
                        #     else:
                        #         gain_voltage.append(self._gain_auto(AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P2)))
                        # else:
                        #     if n == 0:
                        #         gain_voltage.append(self._gain_auto(AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P2)))
                        #     else:
                        #         gain_voltage.append(self._gain_auto(AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P0)))
                        self.pin0.value = False
                        self.pin1.value = False
                        # if n == 0:
                        #     gain_voltage.append(self._gain_auto(AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P0)))
                        # else:
                        #     gain_voltage.append(self._gain_auto(AnalogIn(self.ads_voltage, ads.P2)))
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                        if self.board_version == 'mb.2023.0.0':
                            self.pin6.value = False  # IHM current injection led off
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                        gain = np.min(gain_voltage)
                    self.exec_logger.debug(f'Gain current: {gain_current:.3f}, gain voltage: {gain_voltage[0]:.3f}, '
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                    self.ads_current = ads.ADS1115(self.i2c, gain=gain_current, data_rate=860,
                    self.ads_current.mode= Mode.CONTINUOUS
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                self.pin0.value = False
                self.pin1.value = False
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                # one stack = 2 half-cycles (one positive, one negative)
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                pinMN = 0 if polarity > 0 else 2  # noqa

                # sampling for each stack at the end of the injection
                sampling_interval = 2  # ms    # TODO: make this a config option
                self.nb_samples = int(injection_duration * 1000 // sampling_interval) + 1  # TODO: check this strategy
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                # full data for waveform
                fulldata = []
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                #  we sample every 10 ms (as using AnalogIn for both current
                # and voltage takes about 7 ms). When we go over the injection
                # duration, we break the loop and truncate the meas arrays
                # only the last values in meas will be taken into account